Those folks need therapy.....they have "issues". A small group session would be appropriate since they had a total of 5 posts last month.
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Those RV haters and us RV lovers might be getting our collective legs pulled if that's the same Mike (Kahuna) who has built an RV6A and a Super RV8. Just a thought before anybody goes "postal"
LOL!!! I'd like to think my plane is of the Sugar Cookie type and I've seen quite a few others that fall into that category.

I don't know, with a quote from the group owner that: "We use just about anything to Murdilate RV's. Typically anything anti RV does make the RV lovers cry.", doesn't sound like a previous RV builder to me. ;)

Ya' think I should join the group just to offer my special bumper sticker that says:

The RV - Not Your Typical "Recreational Vehicle"

They'd love that. :D :eek:
Ha Ha, lame group and lame posts

"This group is for anyone that enjoy's flying, building or talking about Homebuilt High performance Aircraft. Any high performance aircraft besides cookie cutter RV's. Discussions about Glasairs, Mustangs, T-18, Cassutts, etc are all welcome. If you are sick and tired of seeing and hearing how great a flippin RV is, this group is for you. If you are tired of people walking up to your plane and saying, Nice RV, this group is for you. If you just want to tell us about your RV Killer, this group is for you. There are many really good high performance homebuilt designs out there other than RV's. These planes are what this group is all about. RV Lovers Keep Out. You fellows have plenty of groups of your own."

Who cares. This group is just weird; the group (or at least the guy who started it) is about hating RV's. There's a reason RV's are popular. I gather the owner of the group is in love with his Cassutt and just got a control stick up the bum one too many times getting into that casket, I mean Cassutt. :D 4 out of 6 post are from Mike, the group owner. I bet he talks to himself alot. George
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I know my RV-6 is the best airplane I've ever owned. Quite frankly I could'nt care less if everyone likes it or if nobody likes it. I like it. If somebody is happy in their piece of sh** airplane, I don't care about that either.

Bob Severns
non-RV group

I don't think this group is about hating RVs, but trying to have place where people who didn't build or aren't building an RV can hang out. Anyone would have to admit that RVs currently dominate the US experimental market, and if you are not building an RV, you might feel kind of like an outsider. If they want to have a club that excludes RVs, I say let them have at it!
A6PILOT said:
Those RV haters and us RV lovers might be getting our collective legs pulled if that's the same Mike (Kahuna) who has built an RV6A and a Super RV8. Just a thought before anybody goes "postal"

Wish Id of thought of it cause it would have been a damn funny joke on you guys. Sorry to disappoint you. Its an imposter.
I have a friend that is building a Sonex and he has indicated that in some Sonex circles we RV builders are known as "RV Pricks". Their choice of words, not mine!

Oh well.... Such is the price we RV Pri... er..... Rv builders must pay for greatness. ;)

painless said:
I have a friend that is building a Sonex and he has indicated that in some Sonex circles we RV builders are known as "RV Pricks".

Conjecture on their part given that their 170mph cruise usually puts them staring at the other end... :cool:
I can't believe some of you guys (gals) are getting upset about this new group. I don't own or am I building an RV at the moment. I do often monitor your site and sometimes ask questions related to things that RV's have in common with other planes. I have friends that are building and fly RV's. I built and fly a one of a kind experimental based on a Sonerai. It has a C85-8 and fat wings like an RV and lands like an RV. An article written about how to land an RV helped me to learn to land. It lands like an RV6...can't see down the runway. You have the best experimental site on the internet, the best allaround experimental in the need to laugh at the clowns on that group...not get upset at them. Maybe when I retire & can afford to build an RV...till then I fly & enjoy my experimental and don't begrudge the RV builder/flyers (or anybody else) theirs. Just think of the RV as the U.S. and the envious as the rest of the world...many hate us because we are the best (take it from a naturalized American.)...Ivan

Welcome Mr. RvWanabe, glad to see your responce. I had to go back and read the posts in this thread to see if I am missed anything. I really don't see anybody mad. I see a lot of these " :D " I think most, if not all of the posts are laughing.
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Come on folks, get with the program. We're being punked. Spoofed might be a better word. Mike put something outrageous out there and now he's laughing at our reaction! The joke's on us.

If it ever becomes a semi-sincere group (which I doubt will ever happen, cuz aviators are such nice folks) let's graciously enjoy the left-handed compliment, in the same manner that a celebrity enjoys an comedy impression of himself.

Like my daughter says, everyone has the right to be stupid, but some folks abuse the privilege. We build RV's cuz they're our favorite. Others may choose differently.
Post messages to mess with them?

Somebody could always hijack their threads and start talking about RV's (or not) :rolleyes: Then see what reaction you get. Ha, ha! By the way a couple of friends of mine built a Sonex with the Jabiru engine and they really enjoyed it. It went together really fast too with all the pop-riveted construction.
he he

reminds me of the joke:
What's the difference between a BMW and a cactus?

With a BMW, the pricks are on the inside. :D

now replace "BMW" with "RV". :D :D

This one is classic:

Hey Ron;

Everyone knows that the published rv performance numbers are BS. Your
Super Zodie is performing pretty good considering the HP you are
running. I havre not heard of any Super Zodie's that match the
performance you are getting. Jake's Sonerai is performing at the
upper end of the expected performance range, but we did enhance it's
performance some with the airfoil and incidence alterations. Either
plane HP per HP would definitely qualify as RV Killers.

"everyone knows that published RV performance numbers are BS."

I agree, just ask Dan :) THEY ARE FASTER THAN PUBLISHED :D
Wow, I can't imagine flying down to Santa Teresa in that Cassutt. I don't get it, if I had a Sonerai, or Cassutt, or whatever, why would I care what other pilots thought of it? I mean, I'm quite sure that they are very fine little airplanes.
Now, you wouldn't catch ME flying one of the little s***boxes. I'm sure that, given enough TIME, they could go wherever an RV could go. Granted, it would be highly unlikely there would be any other s***box builders at whatever airport you landed at, to compare experiences with, but that's probably what started this "yayhoo" group in the first place.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

RV4, still going at least as fast as Van said it would. So I must assume that "bs" stands for "better speed".
Or maybe "blazing speed", or maybe "been somewhere".
Or in response to "50mph less than an RV"..."bummer, sucker".
The Casset is a fast machine, and it would definitly be on my list if I was looking for a single seater, as would a midget mustang, I don't think the RV-3 would top the list. But for a two seat bird, my favorites would be F1/Harmon Rocket, RV 7, Lancair 360 (Not Legacy, to much engine for me.)

I don't think other experimentals are bad, just that the RV is without a doubt the BEST first kit for someone to build. Get experience in a range of stuff, learn how to read plans, and introduction to fabrication. And in Cost/Benefit, there is no doubt the RV kicks most other airplanes asses (lancair/glassair for example.)
Cassutt vs. RV-3

Cassutt is a little tiny airplane with a empty of 500lbs and max 100hp engine. With one very small cockpit and 15 gal of gas it is a specialized airplane, formula pylon racer. the fact is a RV is as fast or faster and has much greater utility. The stall speed is not necessarily high at 68mph, although it is 17% or more higher than a RV, it is the gear. It is a short airplane and short coupled. I can't say it is hard to land, but with the higher landing speed and shorter wheel base, plus what looks like a very small rudder, I am guessing things can happen fast. Not that that is bad, the Pitts is a great plane and its more challenging to land. As was said before it is not a bad airplane, but it is very specialized. A RV-3 can kick the cassutts butt, but than it has 60-80 more hp, so hats off to the cassutt for being fast on less HP.

As far as mini mustang or cassutt or other single place sport plane I would want a RV-3. It is the best RV of all RV's. One time Van was asked a few years back (pre RV-7/8/9) what his favorite RV was, the RV-4 or the RV-6. He said the RV-3. It is the closest to his vision of a sport plane. All RV's are just copies and compromises of the RV-3. That is my story and I am sticking to it. George
There are plenty of people who build Cassutts and MM with more power. I personally know two guys that are building them. One is building a Cassutt that is 18" longer, with wing tanks and planning on a O-320 or 360. The other two guys are re-building two MM's one with a O-290D2 and one with an O-320. If I'm building a 1 seater, I want it to be fast and short-coupled.