
Well Known Member
Our EAA Chapter 1415 had a presentation of a new panel planner software program last night. This thing is Wild! It will give you VFR, IFR requred instruments. It will even give you the approximate cost of yhour panel.
The main problem I have, is I' MAC based (Print Shop & Graphics). You PC types check out Scott has put many hours into this project & hopes to make it an affordable program. Right now, the Beta download is FREE!

Have Fun
RV7A Canopy
I haven't had the opportunity to check it out yet (can't load software at work), but does it have info on the depth behind the panel of instruments and/or rib locations?

RV-10 40032
yes, it has above, below, right, left, and front views of you panel... so you can see depth from any angle. It is very nice software. It even lists weights for a lot of equipment, but I couldn't find a place that it totaled it all up...

Overall, though, VERY nice.

Great little program. Love how it scales the pictures. Did not have my
-Transponder TDR950
-Autopilot AP-1 Navaid
-ELT switch ARTEX

It was easy to make custom user input for these items and looks fairly good scale wise. The EIS4000 was off in width (was 5.1 actual 5.9). Edit of width was an easy and fixed the problem. The only negative I see is it does not produce a file that can be used by a machine shop to cut the panel with CNC equipment.

I found two free Cad programs that can be use to design your panel.

One is called CAD standard works well. It can import a dxf file (panel outline from Van's). It saves files in with a CAD extension that can be read, as I understand it. You have to measure all your instruments and holes to draw the cutouts and holes. However with this file a machine could cut everything out perfectly. You don't get a color photo picture of the panel, but you get a line CAD drawing the lays out all the geometry to cut in the aluminum. Even if you go with cutting your panel by hand this is real good to assure the proper scale and layout.

If you want fancy allows you to use their program, however you will produce a file only for the purpose of having them cut your panel out ( a *.fpd file).They are in Seattle I think, so you would need to mail it to them to do the work. The program is geared for instrument panels and CNC programming of cutting them out. You can choose you cutter dia for example. If you want sub panels cut out this could be the way to go. My plan is to make my own sub panels to remove from the main panel base. They could supply the aluminum for your sub panels, so all you send is the file over the web and money of course.

With any program you need to assure there is no conflict with structure behind or around the panel.

Thanks Again
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The samples on the frontpanelexpress web site look pretty cool. It looks like you can have them etch the lettering and even drill and tap holes for mounting the instruments.