Great video!

We met a guy a while back that had a drone with a high dollar gyro stabilized gimbal under it for a GoPro mount.

The effect is amazing:

He took some shots of 4 of our RV's lined up but we have not seen it posted yet.

It looks like your video has a similar gyro stabilized mount?
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Wonderful video. I enjoyed it alot. Today in Minnesota the temp is -1F.

Happy New Year.

Hitting one of those would be worse than a bird.

I think it was dangerous flying it that close to the runway. The worst part, for me, was having it hovering directly over the runway while someone was landing. A go-around would have had that thing make a direct hit.

It was a pretty video. The risk taking it was too high, though.

I like it

Well, it looks like your drone already integrated into NAS. Nice work filming. Two great RV paint jobs by John!
Relative risk

Nice video. I'm in the process of integrating these multicopters into an upstart photography business. It's interesting how one's familiarity with something can effect one's perception of risk. Non aviators would think that even the low passes depicted would constitute an unreasonable risk. These little multicopters and their ilk are here to stay. Just as with any formation work, a good prebriefed plan can make for a safe operation.
Hitting one of those would be worse than a bird.

I think it was dangerous flying it that close to the runway. The worst part, for me, was having it hovering directly over the runway while someone was landing. A go-around would have had that thing make a direct hit.

It was a pretty video. The risk taking it was too high, though.


Appreciate your thoughts, but your assumptions are too simplistic and general.

Items to consider:

1. Each shot was briefed - how it would be flown, where it would be flown and where the copter would be located.

2. All the pilots are very capable (formation qualified) pilots and have extensive experience with one another.

3. An observer was on the ground with the copter pilot.

4. Radio communications was used between all pilots, the copter pilot and ground observer.

5. This was flown at a small, low-use private strip, and all were on the CTAF listening and looking for other planes. One Cessna did come through the area and the RV pilots gave way.

Worse than hitting a bird? Depends on the bird. This copter weighs less than a turkey vulture or brown pelican, and has no tendency to dive or maneuver when the photographed plane passes by.

All flight maneuvers were planned with at least one out. If each RV pilot didn't see the copter at the threshold, the plan was to sidestep/deviate right. If you'll notice several of the passes at farther distance from the copter than others. These are the earlier passes made when we were sighting the copter and judging the flight path and perspective on the copter.

You comment that the landing video was "dangerous". I take exception to that term used generally. Too much risk or complexity for you is fine. Knowing the plan, the landing video posed no unmanageable or undue risk for the pilots videoed. Arguably no greater than maneuvering around vultures, sea gulls and other typical birds found in the pattern landing in this part of the country.

The only time when maneuvering away from the copter would not have been not possible was when the landing plane was 3-4 seconds from passing underneath. At this time, the RV pilots were trusting the copter and its pilot. All knew the pilot well, his skill level, and had seen him fly this copter many, many times. He has had zero failures with the copter flight control, and it has built in antonymous flight recovery (which takes over and returns the copter to its original launch position - runway left - upon loss of control).

As for go-around, again - very low risk. With some 2000-2500 ft of runway ahead, there was extremely low probability of needing to go around. If one did need to go around, simply roll past the copter, and go around. If you weren't committed to touching down, power up, sidestep right and go around. Just as is done when someone is on the runway ahead on landing.

The copter itself has two batteries and six motors (can recover and land on 5), GPS guided antonymous flight control, and digital radio control. All of these factors were discussed and understood. We determined that this overhead video shot posed a very low risk.

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Bryan - nice overview of the planning that went into some very nice footage.

I also looked at other footage by the multi-copter controller. He have quite a bit of experience (and it looks like a plan if not execution of a videography business).

If you know or could find out, I'd be interested if learning the video platform.

Thanks for sharing !
Bryan - nice overview of the planning that went into some very nice footage.

I also looked at other footage by the multi-copter controller. He have quite a bit of experience (and it looks like a plan if not execution of a videography business).

If you know or could find out, I'd be interested if learning the video platform.

Thanks for sharing !
Scott is the video and quad/multi copter guru! Scott - that's your que...
It's a dji f550 with a naza flight controller with GPS. So the copter will hover in place when I get it where I want it. If you have anymore questions about it send me a pm!!
Drone video was terrific!

Really enjoyed the perspective of the flying from your drone. Figured you all knew what you were doing or you would not do it. Upon reading your preparation I guess my hunch was right.
For those that haven't seen it; this short 16 min. video shows the amazing control and stability of these quad copters.......using GPS and the onboard electronics. Just watch a few minutes, at least until the balancing pole, and you'll probably be hooked for the complete video.
I've been flying rc aircraft since 12 yrs old. These newer machines are even more advanced. For people who do not understand, the risk is very minimal. Qualified and experienced flyers and a plan provides very good risk management. Driving my car to the grocery store nowadays is more risky for me. People that are Impaired, distracted or both, driving a 3000 lb vehicle near me, we'll that is frightening:eek: and they are everywhere, everywhere!

What about the hanger?

Great Video,Now I've got to ask about the really cool temporary Clam shell hanger tucked in behind the main hanger group,given that hanger rents in my area are $300+ a month this looks very appealing to me?
Very Cool

I loved it. I may have a new toy to add to the wish list...after the RV is finished of course.
Pandora's box opens again


Great work- the combination of accessible video, stunning visuals, and cameras and platforms that are becoming ubiquitous can be an effective way to engage younger, future pilots... and keep general aviation alive for future generations.


Appreciate the well-reasoned response, and the well-thought out planning for this mission. Thorough preparation & communication will both reduce risk associated with, and help with acceptance of, another new technology.


The TED video was exciting, sobering, and amusing. When the presenter said "Skynet" no one in the live audience responded; am I the only one who caught that reference?
Very well done!!


The thing that immediately struck me about this was how professionally it was all done. It was clear from the outset that the drone pilot is exceptional given the quality of the fast flypast shots. That all the RV pilots were really good and that a lot of planning had gone into this to make it work safely.

Now, just find a drone that can keep up with an RV doing aeros and you can sell the video!!

Really impressed!!:D
What's Life All About?

Hitting one of those would be worse than a bird.

I think it was dangerous flying it that close to the runway. The worst part, for me, was having it hovering directly over the runway while someone was landing. A go-around would have had that thing make a direct hit.

It was a pretty video. The risk taking it was too high, though.


It's too bad that the individual that posted this video has to defend it against the "Safety Patrol" types. We, in aviation, have a hard enough time explaining to the general public our passion for thinking outside the box. You wouldn't think we would have to explain ourselves to our fellow aviators. If we were truly concerned with safety and risk management we would never accomplish anything other than existing. IMHO:)
Thanks for the support superDave. I appreciate it. We really did work as a team to produce this video. I feel like I can't do much without getting accused of being reckless and unsafe in today's times ha. I have more time flying this machine than some people do in their airplane!! (not really but I do fly it quite often) :p I wouldn't have attempted this if I felt like this group of aviators couldn't handle this. Myself included

Scott did a great job of keeping the drone out of the way. I can't wait to do more video with it. The group is planning for the next video now.
Really enjoyed the video! I also wished there was an airfield as awesome as that one near me. The only grass strip I know of is Chilhowee Gliderport (92A) but there is so much glider activity, you hardly ever see any powered aircraft there.
If anyone is interested in having me make a video specifically of their airplane or group let me know and I can probably work something out with you. PM if interested

I've know Scott since he was in Junior High. He is a GREAT young man, his mom and dad are model parents...(with exception his dad is an airline captain...:D).

Seriously; I would highly recommend Scott for any Video recording that you might have.

Low Pass and Mike shared one of Scott's videos he did to market a new building and it was VERY impressive!