Mark Henderson

Well Known Member
While working around the engine yesterday I bumped into the pitot tube leaving a big scratch and bruise. I went to Ace Hardware and got a 2 thread covers. They are a molded rubber nipple. I used a 5/16" inside a 3/8" . The 5/16 slips easily over the pitot tube, and the 3/8 over it. The 3/8 adds extra padding, and is a bright yellow. Total cost, $.99. I wouldn't use it for flying since without a streamer it could be overlooked. For working in the shop it works great.
Pitot Injuries

I have two scars on my left upper arm at pitot height...broke the skin and bled pretty well...don't learn I guess, but I give it a wide bearth now.
I parked a bench infront of mine. When I was working on the engine I used a big chunk-o-foam.

Sorry Pete, my dog gets all of the tennis balls around my place. ;)
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