
Well Known Member
Paid $2.74 yesterday at MillionAir KRME Rome, NY. Unheard of for here in the northeast!
Rome was always the cheapest in that area. It’s a pretty ride to KRME tower is super friendly and those taxiways are the smoothest I’ve ever drove :)

I often tank there going to/from Canada.

Byron fuel

It's actually $2.95 out in here in Byron, Wackinfornia. Lowest I've seen AVGAS in many years. And because we have high car gas prices, owing mostly to taxes and demand, it's also the first time I've seen AVGAS below 91 octane MOGAS, which is currently about $3.09 at the QuickStop nearby, although $2.59 at Costco.
I just took 69Gal of AvGas at Keystone Heights, FL (42J) at $2.58/gal. At this price I would have put fuel inside the tires if I could have.

Paid $3.29 in Santa Paula, CA last Tuesday. That's about a buck less than a month ago. And $2.20 less than my home field, TOA.
Avgas is also getting cheaper here every week, dropping to $10.22
I always like being on the cheap side, so I'm paying just $7.57 for mogas.
Did I mention I live in The Netherlands?
On the W side of the DFW metro, Graham Mun, KRPH $2.20 :eek:
Walking distance to DQ and BBQ.
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If your cross country flight takes you near Ohio, try to have enough fuel to overfly it. Most avgas prices here are north of $5/gal., with the notable exception of Cincinnati West (I67) at $3.86. Lots of choices in KY at less than $4. Ironically, our auto fuel prices were as low as $.99 until a few days ago, and had been at that level for weeks.
$2.65 here at Kgtu, Georgetown, Texas. Isn't it ironic that avgas is this cheap and auto fuel is $1.359 and the vast amounts of travelers are sequestered at home and very few places to go. At least I get to go formation and aerobatic flying!!!