
Well Known Member
This may be old news but I just found out about this great way to keep birds from making a mess out of your plane. I've seen the multi colored reflective tapes that you hang in the hanger to scare the birds off and my son commented on how they looked like a CD when you hold it in the light. The chrome looking surface reflects different colors depending on how you turn it towards the light. My son bought my Champ from me and has it in an open wood rafter hanger. He couldn't even begin to keep the plane clean. He took 10 CD's and drilled a small hole in the edge and hung them up over the wing from the rafters. They hang down about a foot from the rafter. Any slight breeze keeps them moving and evidently the birds don't like the flashing lights. No more birds. It's actually works. Blank CD's aren't expensive and if you go to a recording studio where they duplicate CD's you can probably get them that are defective free. The ones that are shiny on both sides would be even better.
Great Idea!

Very clever! Just take two old AOL CDs and glue them together with the shiny side out.
Another cheap method

If you have been to any outdoor restaurant in South Florida or out to the islands you will have noticed that NO birds bother you while you eat. Look closely above and you will see that fish line has been strung overhead. If you do the same in the hangar you also will have no birds.
Bird Be Gone

If you have been to any outdoor restaurant in South Florida or out to the islands you will have noticed that NO birds bother you while you eat. Look closely above and you will see that fish line has been strung overhead.

I noticed that myself over a swiming pool area in Florida and I tried it to protect our boats from the seagulls. It only took two strands that ran the length of our 60' dock over each boat on either side. One gull checked it out by hitting it and he was the last bird to come around all season. I works like magic.