I'm in, too! $100 coming from 41 Past, Inc - Creative Digital Marketing.

Great thread, Tony. And, great idea, Doug!

Doug, have you considered setting up a 501(c)(3) organization? I don't know what's involved on your end, but I do know many employers will match gifts to one.
Thank you Mike, Tony and Rob!

I'm talking to the CPA Monday about all this. Will do what he suggests.

Looking at a local food bank right now, Tony. Something that helps children is my gut feel...
Mr Allstate, your in good hands

I know we're in good hands. Just let us know when you get it figured out.

Hey who's next? We have $600. More would be better.

Don't make me get a cardboard sign and stand out on the corner :rolleyes:
Not to throw a complete damper on this, and I very much applaud the effort here and those who've agreed to donate. The charity donation of money that's used to purchase VAF merchandise is goodness almost beyond my comprehension.

But for folks who just want to send money for charity, well, it's a big world of need out there, including in our own communities. I don't argue the need for a food bank in Texas to get some more money, but I would suggest folks think about dropping into their food banks in their own cities and towns and laying on a little cash, too. Plus you can deduct it on your taxes.

That said, donating money to somebody who is in need is better than donating it to nobody who is in need.
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