
Well Known Member
Hi All,

I am being ask to test the back up battery again. I guess a year has passed since I did this. How do I get the backup battery to recharge once the test is completed, before I go flying again?

Julian 120316
You could just go flying and charge during the flight but if you definitely want to recharge it before the next flight, hook up a battery charger to your 12V starter battery and turn the Main on. As long as there is 12V Main power supply SV will charge the battery if necessary.
I forgot how long it took but I doubt it took much longer than an hour.
It takes about 3 hours to fully charge the battery.

Unless your next flight is one that really needs the battery, just go flying. By the time you're off the ground you'll have 5 minutes of backup battery charge, and that will just keep going up as you fly. So there's really a small window where a failure will lead to needing the battery but it not being charged enough.
To do the annual skyview test, the installation manual on page 7-16 says disconnect the main power from the skyview. How did you disconnect it?

With the master power off, ran Skyview for 60 minutes.
After putting trickle auto charge on overnite with both the master and skyview on, i Turn it on today and still says it needs the battery test!
Any suggestions?

Unless you pressed "TEST BATT" after you turned the master off, you didn't run the battery test in SkyView. It's a specific mode, not just letting it run on the battery for a while.

You also can't have SkyView and the master on with a trickle charger- a trickle charger is about 750mA but the SkyView is 3A by itself. So this will kill an aircraft battery quickly.
Thankyou Dynon. I don't recall seeing "test batt", just stay on.

I'll try again and if it fails this time can I install a new battery from you on this SLSA?

If it stayed on for 60 minutes manually, then it will pass the test.

I'm not 100% sure what the rules on an S-LSA are for a maintenance item like this. We know you can't add something to an S-LSA without the OEM's instructions, but we're not sure if something like this needs to be in the maintenance manual or not. You'd need to ask Vans/Synergy to be sure.
Thankyou Steve. If I can ask another question. First time trying to download the updates, onto the computer. No luck. Windows can't open this file. So I save it to the computer....takes a couple seconds, not hours...it's a "duc file"
This can't be it?
What now?... it to the flash drive and upload into Skyview a per Dynons directions

Steve, Got your message and directions on the other thread. Step 1 is where I am stuck, "download file to computer". When I click on your file and try to "save" it, my computer responds saying it cannot "open" the file. I'm not computer savy so I'm stuck at step one. I can't get the files downloaded onto the computer. Much less move them to the flash drive.
This is more of a computer operating question than a Dynon question. It seems to me that if the computer is saying that it can not open the file, then that file must already be on your computer. Now the problem is finding the file on your hard drive, selecting it, copying it, and pasting it onto a flash drive. Do you know any teenage computer nerds that can help?
Steve, Got your message and directions on the other thread. Step 1 is where I am stuck, "download file to computer". When I click on your file and try to "save" it, my computer responds saying it cannot "open" the file. I'm not computer savy so I'm stuck at step one. I can't get the files downloaded onto the computer. Much less move them to the flash drive.

Select the file to copy (left click once , if you click twice it will try to load and you get the message cannot open)
copy: Ctrl Insert (both keys together)
Select your USB stub
paste: Shift Insert (both keys together)
Steve, Got your message and directions on the other thread. Step 1 is where I am stuck, "download file to computer". When I click on your file and try to "save" it, my computer responds saying it cannot "open" the file. I'm not computer savy so I'm stuck at step one. I can't get the files downloaded onto the computer. Much less move them to the flash drive.

I'm with you on this Tim, I feel your pain! Thank God I have a good buddy that is not only a network engineer, but a Skyview expert or I would still have nothing but red X's on mine!

Wow...I think we are getting somewhere. Tnks Joe, JeanPierre & Dave. It's on the flash, 3 things. Which ones do I upload onto Skyview??
1. "Skyview 11.1 Dynon update duo file size 75,894 KB
Or 2. Skyview 11.1 US Package Jan08.duc file 106,260 KB
Or 3. FAA av150111.01 duc. 8,813 KB

I am so excited!!

You want the DUC file (the biggest one). It includes the other two files.
Thankyou again...the big DUC file worked. We are done except finding the "battery test" though likely to pass, does not show up under Shyview 11.1

Thankyou again...the big DUC file worked. We are done except finding the "battery test" though likely to pass, does not show up under Shyview 11.1


RTFM...p. 9-5 of the installation manual. And the user manual specifically points to the installation manual for this information.
Steve....it worked. Installed 11.1. Thankyou Huge progress.
As I said on another thread, only remaining question is, still no battery test button/choice.
Thankyou Joe. Should work now. Had Read/tried repeatedly bunothin with 11.1 finally installed and working....I'll try again.... The 2014 instructions are slightly different.
I can't the run the battery test because the backup battery 320 is not sufficiently charged at only 10.5 v. I tried a bigger automatic charger. No luck.
So.... I checked out Odyssey chargers as suggested above. Odyssey warns With a list of acceptable and unapproved/excluded chargers. I have been ising one of the bad ones.
I ordered a 12A Odyssey today and I plan to charge the Plane battery with the Master on, so that the 320 will charge. Does this plan Make sense to Dynon/Skyview.

I'll use the Odyssey charger with the Master switch on overnight to charge the backup 320 battery.
Reason I can't charge battery with the engine running is that gas leaks out of carbs since last summer. Our A&P ordered new floats last Fall. He.....finally just got replacement floats this week and he will install tomorrow. Whew!!!! So I have been practicing Skyview in the hanger with only charger, no flying or safe motor running since last summer!!

So thankyou again ....looks more optimistic now than past 6 months.
Battery chargers NOT recommended for Odyssey battery

Of 9 brand name battery chargers reviewed Odyssey, all 9 had some restricted use with Odyssey batteries. Four brand name chargers were to be used for trickle charge only.
No current Schumacher chargers are approved. Guess which one I had!

I bought an Odyssey 12A today!

Odyssey's approval list:


Thank you all for the encouragement over the past few weeks. We might get the SLSA running with new floats tomorrow!! I am so excited....

Newbie here....
Dynon skyview backup battery test

This may help someone out there do their annual test on the backup battery SV-BAT-32 to clear the caution message from their skyview.


Page 21-10

Also to charge the main aircraft battery while charging the skyview you need over 12.25 volts and expect about 5 amps for each skyview. My charger output is 13.2 volts and 8 amps so I pushed button 1 and shut down one of my skyviews to charge the battery on the other skyview before the test. You need a fully charged backup battery for the test.