
There’s already been some posts about errors in this chapter and my latest one is figure 3, pg 26-5. It shows F-1015A rib being attached to the rear bulkhead but nowhere do I see how to attach it to the forward aft bulkhead. What am I missing?


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I don’t have my plans with me but I believe those remain unriveted for a while until riveting the side skins to the F-1004D center section bulkheads.

There are some gotchas regarding the dimpling of those pieces also. Make sure to have a firm understanding of what is supposed to happen with all holes of those ribs before riveting.
Yup, the lip sits inside the F-1004D bulkhead until you rivet the side skin on in Section 29. My section 26 plans were the most recent copy which resolve a lot of the ambiguous dimpling instructions from earlier - on page 26-5 in my set the plans say to dimple all the #40 holes in the web of the F-1015A ribs. These holes would be difficult to dimple after the ribs have been attached to the rear bulkhead, and my side skins were final sized already so I didn't need to drill those holes. Note that you don't dimple the holes on the flange of the F-1015A rib that sits inside the F-1004D bulkhead.

I did find a hole that I had to match drill farther back, I believe in the F-1018 rib. So I had to dimple that with the cleaveland pop rivet dimple die set, but it wasn't too bad.

Thanks! I looked ahead to the skin section to get an idea of what to dimple. I missed the part about the flange that sits behind the bulkhead. May order new part of flatten those dimples out.