
Well Known Member
Possible plan error.
As I was laying out the rear spar/ reinforcement fork, the plans stipulate to “Final drill#30 in the ribs where no pre-drilled holes exist.......”. There doesn’t appear to be any holes in either the #3 or #4 ribs or the reinforcement fork. I called Van’s for clarification and they sounded like they weren’t familiar with this error and said that it’s possible they may have decided to go ahead and pre-drill the holes without detailing the change in the plans. So, hopefully Van’s is correct in their assessment of the issue.
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Are you sure that there aren't a few hole locations in the W-00007B that aren't in the aft flange of the 3 and 4th rib from the inboard end of the wing?
Chap 15

There appears to be 12 holes on the attachment points for the #3 and # 4 ribs on the aft rib flanges. 8 in the #3 rib + flap hinge, and 4 on the #4.
Although the drawing is a little difficult to interpret, it appears that the same number of holes are in the #3/4 rib positions on the rear spar reinforcement fork.
I?ve verified all holes on the aforementioned parts have been pre-drilled and doesn?t appear to require any drilling. Maybe I?m missing something, wouldn?t be the first time I misinterpreted the plans, but as I mentioned, Van?s Supoort line couldn?t make sense of the directions either.
Just curious if anyone else has noticed this in their -14 build.
If you go to this page of my blog, I've added an image that highlights the 6 holes I had to match-drill from the forked rear spar doubler into the ribs. Cleco everything together, and you'll notice that the two middle holes on ribs 3 & 4 do not align with those 6 holes in W-00007B, thus the need to match-drill.

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Alex - thanks, I’ll have a look. On the plans, I keyed on the aspect that no pre- punch holes exist on the ribs for the holes I’m question. Which I don’t believe is the case. So, if my interpretation is correct, it’s a final drill thru the fork into the ribs?
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Alex - thanks, I?ll have a look. On the plans, I keyed on the aspect that no pre- punch holes exist on the ribs for the holes I?m question. Which I don?t believe is the case. So, if my interpretation is correct, it?s a final drill thru the fork into the ribs?

Yes, that is what the step you circled in yellow is saying.
Final drill the holes in the fork, into the aft flange of the two ribs, at the locations where there is not a corresponding P.P. hole in the aft flange of the ribs.

If you cleco the ribs to the rear spar, you will see where two holes in the spar (per rib) don't match up with holes in the rib flanges.

The reason for this is that because of the tapper of the fork, to maintain edge distance, a couple of the holes had to be shifted slightly away from the pattern that is used for all the rest of the ribs.
Thanks Scott....that was gonna be my next step. There’s not much material in the rear rib flange, but I was gonna cleco the spar/ rear fork up to the ribs and just have a peak. Your answer solved the riddle.