
Well Known Member
My operating limitations state VFR.
I installed a full IFR panel. The pitostatic and alt is now certified.
What is the procedure to modify the operating limits for IFR flight.

My operating limitations state VFR.
I installed a full IFR panel. The pitostatic and alt is now certified.
What is the procedure to modify the operating limits for IFR flight.


What is the exact phraseology in your operating limitations?
My operating limitations state VFR.
I installed a full IFR panel. The pitostatic and alt is now certified.
What is the procedure to modify the operating limits for IFR flight.

Are you sure you're not looking at Phase I part of your limitations?

Standard Op Lims allow Night and/or IFR operations, if properly equipped and maintained, during Phase II.
ops limits

agree with other poster- make sure it doesnt say ifr if so equipped.

if you need to change it, contact your local fisdo. bring them a copy of the language you want to add. they will do it. might be worth while to bring an example along. most fisdo's are helpful but they dont really deal in experimental that often so they really dont know the rules that well. be firm that this is ok to do.

i changed a plane from single to multi engine btw :) (not an rv)

My DAR said that the new FAA form has a selection for the DAR that states "VFR only", or adds the words "IFR if properly equipped per ..."

I caught this on my review of the operating limits at the time of sign off. So if your DAR selected the wrong button during the preparation of the form, you may have to contact the DAR again and get an amended certificate. JMHO
Actually it doesn't!......

My DAR said that the new FAA form has a selection for the DAR that states "VFR only", or adds the words "IFR if properly equipped per ..."
I caught this on my review of the operating limits at the time of sign off. So if your DAR selected the wrong button during the preparation of the form, you may have to contact the DAR again and get an amended certificate. JMHO

If he opted for limitation 47, it states "Day VFR operations are authorized." The word "only" is not there.
He should have also included limitations 48 and 49, which include Night and/or IFR operations if properly equipped and maintained.
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ops limits

Phase I only allows day VFR and it cant be changed.

In phase II you should have operating limitation Nos. 47 and 48 as Mel stated. If not then you have to get your limitations Amended by a DAR or the FAA.
If your DAR doesn't do it you can do it online at

No need to go to the FSDO anymore. Create an account and it's pretty simple to use. Once you submit the information they'll review it and once approved they email you the new AW and Ops Limits.

I just went through that with my new plane. Needed new Airworthiness with Ops Limits and the first draft they didn't click on 48 but I caught it and he changed it quickly.

I have to also say that for the last few years I've been loudly bashing the incompetent inspectors at the North Texas FSDO because 2 of them and their respective supervisors had no clue how to do their jobs. It took some formal complaints and an inspector from the Houston FSDO to drive over there and show them how to do it BUT I HAVE GOOD NEWS. There's an inspector called Jimmy Staggs that is awesome. He hadn't done an Experimental-Exhibition in ages so it took us a few back and forth calls and emails to get it all worked out with this new online system but he did his job and I got my new Airworthiness Certificate with correct Ops Limits yesterday !
From reading your post, it sounds like we can do this ourselves?? No need for a DAR or someone from the FSDO?

I was going to pay a DAR $600 to get my Ops Limitations changed for me, but if I can do it myself, then I'd much rather do that.

If your DAR doesn't do it you can do it online at

No need to go to the FSDO anymore. Create an account and it's pretty simple to use. Once you submit the information they'll review it and once approved they email you the new AW and Ops Limits.

I just went through that with my new plane. Needed new Airworthiness with Ops Limits and the first draft they didn't click on 48 but I caught it and he changed it quickly.

I have to also say that for the last few years I've been loudly bashing the incompetent inspectors at the North Texas FSDO because 2 of them and their respective supervisors had no clue how to do their jobs. It took some formal complaints and an inspector from the Houston FSDO to drive over there and show them how to do it BUT I HAVE GOOD NEWS. There's an inspector called Jimmy Staggs that is awesome. He hadn't done an Experimental-Exhibition in ages so it took us a few back and forth calls and emails to get it all worked out with this new online system but he did his job and I got my new Airworthiness Certificate with correct Ops Limits yesterday !
From reading your post, it sounds like we can do this ourselves?? No need for a DAR or someone from the FSDO?

I was going to pay a DAR $600 to get my Ops Limitations changed for me, but if I can do it myself, then I'd much rather do that.

Ju st be aware that unit still takes someone from the FSDO to take action on the REQUEST that you put in through AWC - it isn’t automatic. Yes, the application is DIY, but just filling it out without contacting your FSDO is sorta like leaving a baby in a basket on the doorstep - you never know when someone is going to open the door to check…or what’s sitting in the queue in AWC. Our FSDO has great guys, but they are really understaffed, and E-AB stuff is low on their office priority list, so you have to stay on top of them to get things done. They’re so understaffed that they asked me to be a DAR….
Ok. Thanks Paul. Do you see any benefit of hiring a DAR to do this for me, or should I just put in the request online myself and then call the FSDO to follow up? Or maybe even talk to someone at the FSDO ahead of time?

I have heard of some bad experiences that some have had dealing with the FAA directly, which is why I was leaning towards having this DAR handle this for me.

Ju st be aware that unit still takes someone from the FSDO to take action on the REQUEST that you put in through AWC - it isn’t automatic. Yes, the application is DIY, but just filling it out without contacting your FSDO is sorta like leaving a baby in a basket on the doorstep - you never know when someone is going to open the door to check…or what’s sitting in the queue in AWC. Our FSDO has great guys, but they are really understaffed, and E-AB stuff is low on their office priority list, so you have to stay on top of them to get things done. They’re so understaffed that they asked me to be a DAR….
Hmmm…depends on your FSDO. I don’t know what kidn of reputation the Long Beach FSDO has in helping folks in E-AB…but if you’re goign to use a FSDO, I’d call them first, then do AWC. If your FSDO has a bad rep, then bite the bullet and find a DAR. Dave Prizio is in the area….
Hmmm…depends on your FSDO. I don’t know what kidn of reputation the Long Beach FSDO has in helping folks in E-AB…but if you’re goign to use a FSDO, I’d call them first, then do AWC. If your FSDO has a bad rep, then bite the bullet and find a DAR. Dave Prizio is in the area….

I heard Dave moved to the east coast, but I agree with first contacting the local FSDO to see if they would handle the request before submitting in AWC and having it get ignored.
If they say, no, find a DAR, then you know the path to take.
If the airplane is "in annual" and currently flying, many times an amended AW may be issued without an inspection. If that's the case, some DARs will do it for a much smaller fee. I typically charge < 40% of what I would if an inspection is required.
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