
Well Known Member
After spending 4 years building, then selling the project, then another 4 flying the RV7 I bought, my mission seems to be changing. My wife is warming up to flying and wants to start to explore further afield, but we need to bring our two whippets along. With 75lbs of cargo capacity and 75 lbs of dogs, we can't really bring ANYTHING along beyond a small bag held on her lap. We'd like to be able to fly to the many backcountry airstrips (and not so backcountry) with camping gear and the dogs. Of course I'm very spoiled by 160 knots true at less than 10gph, but there's always a tradeoff.

Budget is based on the value of my RV, which is probably worth about $85K. Any suggestions on what to consider, certified or experimental?

A roomy Cessna 182 will climb like crazy with just about whatever you can load into it! Would be good for your mission. Thirsty though.

I did the same thing and got a 1996 M7 maule and bought another RV kit. Maule has 1000lbs useful load, 73gal for the long trips, 1000ft strips fully loaded no problem, and 4 place fit the mission well. Over the fence at 50 mph landing and top speed around 135mph. rV is faster and lighter but Maule sho is a lot of fun with the whole family.
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Changing Mission

If its space and off field performance -- there is a really nice, well built Murphy Super Rebel for sale in Denver. O-540 and will literally carry the wife, dogs, and another couple hundred pounds of baggage. It also has good off field performance. You are going to give up something in cruise, but should snake 145-150 mph out of it. I can give you contact information if interested.
Jerry Folkerts
look at Maule

You have an 85K budget, need to fit two people, two dogs, and camping gear, and want to fly to backcountry airstrips:

In the certified world you can get a 10 - 15 year old Maule MX-7 with a mid to low time engine for less than your 85K budget. Land at nearly any airport and some places that aren't. Remove back seat (20 seconds) and easily load and fit two medium size dogs, two medium size people, and camping gear for a week. But they are slowwwww. Expect 115 kts @ 9 gph.