
Well Known Member
I noticed a couple of significant changes in the Time Limit section of the new 912iS Line MM. First, rubber hoses in the fuel system are no longer listed and second, there is a new 5 year limit on the fuel pressure regulator.
The fuel regulator replacement isn’t new, but eliminating the fuel-line hoses is. The short hoses connecting the fuel pumps and bypass valves in the fuel-pump assembly are the only ones we have in the iS, so makes you wonder if that’s an omission error?

Note they also added the rubber pad under the coolant-expansion tank. Lockwood mentioned that one during their maintenance class, so looks like Rotax is acknowledging that too. Rotax apparently isn’t too conscientious about using the revision bar to highlight additions, since they sneaked the expansion-tank pad in there without highlighting it. Makes you wonder what else got added?


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Thanks Bob - the regulator limit was new to me - it was “hiding in plain sight” .:D
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Got this response from the Rotax dealer in British Columbia regarding the elimination of the fuel-pump hose 5-year replacement:

“We want to clarify that the fuel pumps, being part of the airframe, are no longer required to adhere to the Rotax 5-year rubber replacement guideline specifically related to the fuel system. However, it remains important to follow the recommendations provided by the airframe manufacturer.

To provide additional information on this matter, Rotax has issued a Service Instruction package (SI-PAC-016 R1) that includes guidance and a recommendation for changing the hoses every 5 years. However, it's worth noting that this recommendation is not obligatory. https://legacy.rotaxowner.com/si_tb_info/serviceinfo/si-pac-016-r1.pdf”

Van’s currently only appears to ask us to check for “condition” of the fuel hoses, but I suspect with Rotax’ recent change to their MML, that Van’s will be adding this requirement to their maintenance schedule at some point.


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One thing we have going for us Bob is that our installation isn't firewall forward like some of the light sports. So with less heat, we may have some latitude there.