
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
"Meet the New Boss?Same as the Old Boss?."

It?s with a great deal of pleasure that we?re announcing a change in the Masthead at Kitplanes Magazine. Starting with our October issue, Marc Cook will be taking over as Editor in Chief, while I step into the role Editor at Large! Those who have been around a long time will recall that Marc was EIC previously for about six or seven years. I have been doing the job since I retired from NASA in early 2013 and have decided that it is time to put a little more free time in my schedule and get away from the relentless schedule pressure of getting a magazine out very month. As editor at large, I?ll still be involved with the magazine, still writing columns, doing flight reviews, and still offering up feature articles when I have something to say ? but I won?t be tied to a regular production schedule and will have a lot more free time to spend at the big events to just relax and talk building and flying with folks.

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Thanks for all the support I?ve received from the VAF community these past six and a half years ? and I look forward to many more ?. but with more fun ?. And less work!

See you at Airventure (but it might not be with one of the RV?s ?.. something a little smaller? and noisier.... ;) )

Wow! Two outstanding editors. I missed Mark when he left, now I am going to miss Paul. But then I get to welcome Paul back.

Congratulations to you both.
Congratulations on your second retirement. You?ve certainly kept Kitplanes at a very high standard these last years.

Congrats PAUL

Can?t wait to see the paint job in person on the new ONE seater.

Little smaller, LOTS noisier.....

Oh no! The neighbors are complaining :D

I am glad for all the advise and comments on =VAF= Paul and amazed at the commitment you gave to KitPlanes after retirement.

I true Hero and advocate for our hobby.

I wish I could make it to OSH and see and hear the noise!
Congratulations! Kitplanes is a great magazine, you did a great job and glad to see you?ll still be involved (but on a better schedule!) I?m a subscriber. The magazine is a steady and consistent ambassador for the dream we all share.
I'm only a recent addition to the Kitplanes readership, but congrats on turning over the Editor in Chief position, and enjoy that Subsonex!

Now I just need the magazine to make its way to my new address...
Paul I hadn't realised you were on this forum. I have read Kitplanes for years and it only seems to get better. I really appreciate your editorials. Good common sense from someone who really knows what they are talking about. Thanks and enjoy semi retirement.
Paul, congrats---again--my friend. We all appreciate your contributions. Guess not they will be spread alittle futrther apart!
Looking forward to seeing you at OSH.
Hmmmmm.... smaller and makes lots of noise. I wonder how the landing lights look on it. :D

Marc did a great job at KP and so did you. To have both there will be very good! One has to enjoy life so smart move for you Paul. Happy to see Marc back too.
Paul, I've been a long subscriber to KP and you made a tremendous contribution to the publication. I suspect the superior sophistication of the technical/experimental articles over the years was due to your willingness to source them. We are all more technically sophisticated in this hobby due to your stewardship of the magazine. Thanks.

I was a subscriber to Kitplanes for years before I started my build. That magazine and this forum gave me the confidence that I would not be building my aircraft in a vacuum.

Many thanks,

Paul B
To OSH with that little beast? Dang... so didja put an in-flight refueling probe in there or what?

Just like a T-38 John - take-off, climb to cruise, declare a fuel emergency, and find a place to land.....:rolleyes:

Actually, not that bad - two hour?s endurance, 250 nm legs give plenty of reserve, and guys in Cubs do the same thing - just a whole lot slower!