I'm in but only if it is available with a tail wheel and tip-up canopy.

And primer. It's got to be primed with... something. Let's discuss that here. :D
This nutty professor lives in Switzerland so I say we get Mickey to go get checked out in this thing. I must admit I am curious.

szicree said:
This nutty professor lives in Switzerland so I say we get Mickey to go get checked out in this thing. I must admit I am curious.
I just sent him a note. If he gets back to me, I'll let you know what I find out.
szicree said:
This nutty professor lives in Switzerland so I say we get Mickey to go get checked out in this thing. I must admit I am curious.

Yea, but the "item location" is in Houston.

Ya' think if I drop by I might get a $1,000,000 ride as opposed to the $80,000 RV rides?
Last night in a dream the answer came to me: It's a giant Wile E. Coyote style pogo stick!! Or maybe that big slingshot he got from ACME.
I passed the link around MCC last night, and everyone was excited. We're thinking of puttign in a group bid! :D

All depends on what Mickey finds out though.... :rolleyes:

UFO meeting

Believe it or not, I'm probably going to meet with this guy sometime this week. We're still working out the details. I'll post results - feel free to fire over any questions you'd like me to ask him! :)
I'm not sure thats such a good Idea - the guys strikes me as Phsyco :eek:

We ran a search on his Ebay activity here at work and he has bought some rather strange items from Vlad the Impaler (another freak?) :rolleyes: check it out.

Although the questions he is being asked are getting good.
His product is old news--I invented one of these in my garage a year ago. Unfortunately since it's invisible, I forgot where I parked it.
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Dollars to donuts he's trying to exploit "diamagnetism". There's a whole lot stuff out there that (basically, anything you look at and think "totally not magnetic"...water, plastic, wood, people etc) that can be made to aquire a repulsive magnetic field. This field has some neat properties and allows stable levitation to be easily achieved. It's also very WEAK. I'm not even gonna try to get into all the techo-gobbleygook of how and why this works 'cause it'd be watered down nonsense. I'm sure there's volumes of stuff on the web about this if anyone's really interested.

Some researchers did some silly experiments a few years back where they levitated things like strawberries and frogs and things. Cute.

LOL...I'm not holding my breath. :D
I do remember seeing video of that flying frog. It almost looked like he was in one of those skydiving sims. My question for the guy would be where are we gonna get a frog big enough to carry a plane full of people? :p
My ex-Wife wanted me to name the -8 the Frog, because it had so many "ribets...ribets...ribets...."

Like I said....Ex-Wife!

Here's a few questions

rv8ch said:
Believe it or not, I'm probably going to meet with this guy sometime this week. We're still working out the details. I'll post results - feel free to fire over any questions you'd like me to ask him! :)
Hey Mickey,

I guess that I have the same questions that I suspect most others do such as:

1) What determines the max speed of the craft?
2) What speed will the prototype achieve?
3) How will the prototype be controlled?
4) What is the engine/propulsion source?
5) What is the fuel?
6) What "accepted principles of physics" does it use?
7) Does it use "diamagnetism"
8) Exactly what were the experiments that led you to believe that the prototype will work?
9) How much money & resources will be required to build a prototype and prove that the technology works?
10) What kinds of materials and new technologies/processes will be required to make a successful prototype?
11) What is the timeline for the prototypes and beyond?
12) Why should I believe that this isn't some sort of scam?

Just some ideas for questions. It's a good thing that you will be asking these questions, I wouldn't be able to hold back from laughing. If you do meet with him, be careful since he may very well be just looking to make (steal) money any way that he can.