jerry karlsberg

Does anyone have experience in converting an RV-3 tip-over canopy to a slider? What is involved and are the slider parts still available from Van's?
The slider parts never were available from Van's, you need to fabricate it from the plans. Also, be aware that the slider makes ingress/egress more difficult. Converting shouldn't be a problem, just drill out the tipover hinge pop rivets and proceed from there.
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Thanks for the info. I'm kinda puzzled that all the RV-3's shown on Van's home page are sliders, including the 3-view drawing, (as well as Van's original RV-3) but they never made a kit with sliders..???? Where would I get the plans for building one from tip-over parts? Do the plans include all the stiffeners and sliding/latching/sealing mechanisms and tracks? Are any special tools required?

Hopefully I'm not too large (5ft 11in, 185 lb)to enter/exit a slider, although a legit question might be which canopy config would be easier to exit with the airplane on its back after a flipover. Seems like the slider may be better in a case like that. I do really like the idea of being able to fly with the canopy open.


p.s. I'm hoping your statement "converting should be a problem" was a typo :)
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Don't get the idea you are going to fly with the slider open. Before you built from the plans get some input from somebody who has built one. Plans are as usual for the -3 are inadequate...No support or parts available. R Bentley
I'm kinda puzzled that all the RV-3's shown on Van's home page are sliders, including the 3-view drawing, (as well as Van's original RV-3) but they never made a kit with sliders..???? Where would I get the plans for building one from tip-over parts? Do the plans include all the stiffeners and sliding/latching/sealing mechanisms and tracks? Are any special tools required?
Full plans for both canopy frame versions are in the plans, there's a page for each, can't remember the drawing number right now. Materials are included in the kit for the tipover latch but no parts whatsoever for the slider. Don't know if the latch is the same or not.
Its not as easy as some here think. Most difficult part will be making two dents on either side of the seat back frame to facilitate the canopy side frame when it slides back. Will require removal of rear top skin, modifying the seat bulkhead and installing a new (or splicing the old) rear top skin. Can be done, looks like a science project when finished.
Good luck
Tip over v slider

Before I opened it, I thought this thread was about converting a nose wheel to a to a tail dragger!