
Well Known Member
I was reviewing my paperwork and was reading through my 8130-6 Application for U.S. Airworthiness Certificate and got to wondering about Section III. Owner's Certification. In small text above my name it says, "REGISTERED OWNER (As shown on certificate of aircraft registration)"

If I were to sell my airplane to a new owner, would the new owner have to contact the FAA to have 8130-6 form updated, or would it just flow through the routine change of ownership process?

I found this in FAA 8130.2G CHG 1:

f. Transfer of Airworthiness Certificates. An airworthiness certificate is transferred with the aircraft (14 CFR § 21.179), for example, if there is a change of ownership or transfer of registration. There is no FAA inspection required after transfer of an aircraft with its airworthiness certificate unless it is determined that revised operating limitations are necessary.

In this case, a new FAA Form 8130-7 must be issued to reflect the new date of the revised operating limitations. Therefore, the applicant must submit a properly completed FAA Form 8130-6.​

If a Form 8130-7 doesn't trigger a new 8130-6 in the name of the new owner, how does the original get updated for the new owner?

I also found this interesting in the AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION AND RECORDATION PROCESSES document:

NOTE: A Van’s Aircraft, Inc., RV-12 aircraft can be either an amateur-built or a light-sport aircraft. If the applicant is registering the aircraft as an amateur built, the kit bill of sale and the A/B Affidavit completed by the owner will be required.​
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Once the aircraft is certificated, a change of ownership does NOT require a new airworthiness application.

Nothing on the airworthiness certificate or operating limitations relates to the owner.