RV-14 Empennage plans, Page 10-12, Rev 1 says to use qty 2 nut plate part numbers MS21055L08. However, in rev 0, it called out MS21055-L3 nut plates. This change is not mentioned in the change description for rev 1. Also, of course, the kit was not supplied with this new nut plate part number.

Has anyone else come across this issue? If so, what did Van's say? Is this a simple typo and we should still use the part number from rev 0, or did they intentionally change nut plate part numbers at rev 1?

I sent an email to Vans support. They are quick to respond, but being the weekend now, I likely wont hear anything until Monday at the earliest, so I thought I might try here and get an earlier jump on it.


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Ah ha!

Ahhh! So I bet I should get my parts any day now. So just to confirm, the new nut plate part number MS21055L08 as shown in rev 1 is what you received last week?
Thanks for the info.
Replacement nutplates

Yes, the Rev 1 Nutplate callout is correct. Vans will send the new ones. I got mine a few weeks ago. If you have been working on your empennage a while you may want to call and check on your parts.
If you received anything from van's in the last few weeks,you probably got the nut plates. I remember wondering why they were included and vans explained what they were for.

I got my letter and now I can't find the nutplates if I got them. I ordered some. No worries.

This question is on the holes for the fastener. The drawing says dimpled. Does that mean that a countersunk flat head screw will go in that nut plate and that in addition to the rivet holes being dimpled the threaded fastener holes should also be dimpled.

I am ready to prime the part and not willing to wait for the nutplates to come to find out.

Thanks for the help.

RV-14 Empennage plans, Page 10-12, Rev 1 says to use qty 2 nut plate part numbers MS21055L08. However, in rev 0, it called out MS21055-L3 nut plates. This change is not mentioned in the change description for rev 1. Also, of course, the kit was not supplied with this new nut plate part number.

Has anyone else come across this issue? If so, what did Van's say? Is this a simple typo and we should still use the part number from rev 0, or did they intentionally change nut plate part numbers at rev 1?

I sent an email to Vans support. They are quick to respond, but being the weekend now, I likely wont hear anything until Monday at the earliest, so I thought I might try here and get an earlier jump on it.


I'm not sure where you saying they get dimpled. The plans say to dimple the rivet holes in the MS21055L08, I do not believe the fastener hole gets dimples for a screw.
Reread your question and I would say no.
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