
Well Known Member

Finishing up an RV-6. Plans show battery inside firewall...centered. Has anyone with a -6 located the battery outside the firewall like the -9 I built, or the -7 ??.

Only thing I can think of is W&B. The arm from one side to the other side of the firewall isn't that great and we'll be using an IO-360 and Cato 3 blade.........Suggestions/opinions most appreciated.

Best Regards........Joe.
THere are provisions for mounting the battery inside the cabin, against the firewall. Should be in your plans as well.
I mounted the battery for my 6 on the firewall like the newer kits, I believe you can use the same location as the 7. The newer drawings for the 6 firewall may reflect this change, I can't remember (mad cow).:D
My FWF kit came with the battery box for the PC680 on the firewall. I discarded the inside battery box (not quite true; anyone need a built and primed Concorde battery box?) and added a second PC680 box on the other side of the firewall. I didn't have a problem making the transition and my W&B is still fine, even with a Hartzell on the front. My biggest problem with the -7 style FWF on the -6 was the FI fuel pump and filter mount did not match the fuel-selector mount that came with the fuselage kit ... and there was no forward floor plate as in the -7. I made it work but, if I were to do it again, I would make a plate to cover the front of the fuel-selector mount and replace the battery pan with the -7, which my old preview plans call out as F782C and F982E. You can ask Van's for RV-7 sheets 34 or 34A to see the arrangement in the -7. Sheet 31 shows the firewall mounted Concorde battery. The PC680 box comes with the drawing for mounting it on the firewall. So, short answer to your question: no real problem at all.
Battery Location

Just as I thought....no problemo.

Many thanks to Flion,Jthocker and the Kahuna.......Heliojoe.
....I'm too old to crawl under the dash....
W/B wise, I don't think there's a nickels worth of difference. Utilitywise....well if I had it to do over, I'd certainly locate the battery on the firewall. Two things had to happen for that option to work and both things did happen.

When I started my -6A, the smaller profile PC-680 had not yet been introduced or the RV-7 and its FWF plans either. Short of those two things, I proceeded to install a full size battery per the plans location. I bought among the first PC-680 Van's sold and took advantage of the extra space it provided by also placing the master relay inside the box. As Pierre undoubtedly knows, to access any of it you have to remove the seats so you can ingress, lay down and stretch out inside the cabin. A pain at any age. Had the PC-680 and the newly developed FWF DWGs been out before I finished up that particular task, I would have happily installed the battery on the other side of the firewall.

Battery Location

Thankyou to Pierre and Rick.......Absolutely!!!.....at 66 years old I'm finding it hard to crawl under the panel anymore.......Joe