Active Member
So as I was building my wing I went ahead and did the work of attaching the aileron doublers detailed in SB 16-3-28 proactively. However the added left small doubler is nearly covering a rivet hole i need to attach the aileron gap fairings.
Below is a pic from the SB with the rivet i'm trying to now add that's giving me touble.

I can insert the rivet just fine, but it's right up against that doubler that when i rivet it, it deforms the shop end. I tried 3 times. :(

I'll email Van's but just curious if others have run into the same issue. The SB details the steps need to retrofit the parts, not if doing while building.
I believe a blind rivet will work just fine, but not sure which should be used.

Below are pics from an attempt:

I had the same issue on my RV-10--it is exactly the same geometry as far as I can tell. I used a CherryMax rivet of appropriate grip length here, which is probably overkill, but worked just fine.

I had the same issue on my RV-10--it is exactly the same geometry as far as I can tell. I used a CherryMax rivet of appropriate grip length here, which is probably overkill, but worked just fine.

I basically did the same on my -9. I managed to set the rivet in one wing OK, but the other was a hassle so I just went to a Cherrymax & moved on.