
Well Known Member
The electrical part of my build is one of the steepest learning curves for me to date. I must give high praise to Chad Jensen of Vertical Power/Astronics for his unending patience and support. Chad's attitude and willingness to help have been so valuable and appreciated. I'm actually starting to learn and look forward to moving from "planning" to "installation" of my VPX Pro electrical system. It will be a very gratifying day when I first fire up the G3X System. Thanks, Chad!
Plus one

Chad is a great guy and has been very helpful to me. Before I met Chad, I did not know which end of the wire the electrons went in!
Steve, That brings to mind a whole litany of 'off color' humor regarding electrons. :eek:
Chad has been a lot of help to me too. There are a few 'anomalies" with programming the VPX that require 'professional intervention".
Thanks for the kudos fellas! I've been away from the board for a few days, and just now seeing this.

Glad you guys are happy and I'm proud to give you great support!
