
Well Known Member
I am using a CH Grip on my stick and am wiring it up right now. I always assumed I would use the trigger for PTT, however the INDEX button seems better for many reasons (comfort, position, etc) - I'm just curious . . . which button are other folks using for PTT???
Me too

Trigger for PTT
Small button under the trigger for A/P disconnect
Buttons on top are for my COMM 1 & 2 flip-flops
Trigger works, don't use button

I wired the trigger for PTT and the button for flip flop. The tower must have thought I was incompetent since GRD could not respond to me since I hit the flip flow after contacting ground. Then as I held the grip in my left hand I noticed I was on the wrong frequency and tried several times with my right hand to push the radio button for flip flop and it would immediately flip back. Finally I realized I was holding the stick grip button. I haven't disabled the button yet but I am seriously considering it so I don't have a problem in the future. I will probably move the flip flop to one of the top buttons and eliminate the TPX ident button (doubt if I would use that function anyway).
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Me three

I have CH-4's in a -6. WIred up both sticks.

Trigger for PTT
Small button for AP disc
Inboard gray button for XPNDR ident
Outboard gray button reserved for smoke on/off (maybe). Radio flip flop sounds like a good idea too

Haven't had a problem with inadvertantly disconnecting the AP with the small button, since when on AP, I'm not gripping/moving the stick as I would be in the pattern...I could see where a radio flip-flop on that button might be an issue. Nice stick grip though!

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Trigger - PTT
Small button - audio alert mute on AF3500
Left button - A/P (dis)connect
Right button - Com1/Com2 Swap on audio panel
Disabled the small button,

PTT is the trigger, the two side buttons are Ident and control wheel steering(this also doubles as an auto pilot disconnect.). The small button was a 430 com swap, which was easy to switch without knowing.

Have fun.
I have CH-4's in a -6. WIred up both sticks.

Trigger for PTT
Small button for AP disc

The AP disconnect sounds like the best use for the small forward button. When I change the buttons around so it is not the flip-flop I'll probably reserve the small button for that purpose (when I get AP).