
Active Member
I am considering doing my CFI training and maneuvers in my RV9A. I have some concern since it is such a slick airplane. Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on this?
Go see Mikey Mathews

You are in a great location to see Mikey up at Lake Norman Airpark...he is top notch Acro guy with lots of RV experience. Take my word, it will be worth your time. Acrodynamics..I'm sure others will recomend him as well.

Are you comfortable in it? Can you fly it proficiently from the right seat? Would you be comfortable teaching a brand new pilot in it? All questions only you can answer...
I'm doing my CFI right now in our RV-10 in Iowa. I know the 10 has a lot more drag than the 9 but so far it's working out great. Very stable platform.

The fun begins when the examiner decides to emulate a ?below average? student and starts intentionally making common mistakes...
I suggest running this by your FSDO. As you know, your check ride will have to be with a FSDO inspector or a ?special? DPE designated by the fsdo. Ask if they will give the exam in an EAB airplane. They are allowed to decline.
I?m not up to date with the change in retractable experience rules, but make sure you have met the experience requirements.
My experience (1989, with the fsdo inspector) was that the checkride was almost an after-thought, but the oral was a 5 hour grilling of minute details from the FARs and FAA publications, as well as a detailed going-over of both the airplane?s and your paperwork. Hint: the answer to any question about teaching is ?motivation?. :)