Hi all,

Looking for some personal recommendations for CFIs who can help me regain proficiency to pass the BFR. I haven't flown in years but this site - along with a couple of pilot friends who have taken me up with them recently - has inspired me to return to the fold.

The CFI I learned with was a really cool guy. What I learned reflectively is that I need someone who is going to push me to hold certain standards, who might not be so nice but who is going to make me the safest and most competent pilot I can be. Praise when due but made accountable when I slip. That is the only way that I will ever feel confident flying with my children.

Thanks in advance.
Hi all,

Looking for some personal recommendations for CFIs who can help me regain proficiency to pass the BFR. I haven't flown in years but this site - along with a couple of pilot friends who have taken me up with them recently - has inspired me to return to the fold.

The CFI I learned with was a really cool guy. What I learned reflectively is that I need someone who is going to push me to hold certain standards, who might not be so nice but who is going to make me the safest and most competent pilot I can be. Praise when due but made accountable when I slip. That is the only way that I will ever feel confident flying with my children.

Thanks in advance.

Mohsen out of Pacific States Aviation at KCCR is exactly the guy you're looking for. I recently switched to PSA to finish my PPL which I started at another school with more lax air instruction and the difference was night and day. He will get you trained up.