
Active Member
Hello All,

I grew up flying (Mother & Father both owned airplanes through my childhood) and like many others I started and stopped my flight training a few times. My last stint was just prior to getting married about 3 years back now. I was flying out of WHP via Sunquest. I was doing well but had to put it on hold.

I'm thinking about getting back out and finishing up. As such I'm trying to determine if Sunquest is still a good choice. I like Whiteman Airport as it is a nice, out of the way, airport that still values the homebuilt community and has one of the largest practice areas one can find close by. Im open to other options as I now live a couple miles from SMO, however it's always been a bit more expensive to do anything in Santa Monica.

That said the one thing I have not investigated yet is a private instructor and plane. Are there any lurking about on here that may be interested in taking on a new student? Also, Im starting to lean towards a tail wheel on my 9 so I would love to find someone teaching in a Cub, Citabria, Aeronca, etc.

Any thoughts my fellow RV'ers? Thanks in advance!