
Well Known Member
I need a flight review in my RV-12. Is there a CFI is willing to do flight reviews in an E?SLA near KSLC?
If you haven?t found anyone yet I was at the Ogden EAA meeting this week. There was a young flight instructor there that mentioned she was giving some training in an RV7. Didn?t catch her name but she is an instructor at Axioum Aviation. Might give them a call and see if you can get in touch with her, I believe she is the only female instructor there.
I recently had a flight review out of KSLC in my RV-12. The CFI is in our EAA chapter. Let me know if you want his info.
I am a CFII, have have a condo in Pleasant Grove and could give you a flight review the first week of November. If interested, send me a PM