I would suggest you be more specific as to RV type. In particular as to tail or nosewheel, as well as model.
I had my RV at 3 airports so far. I asked the local flight instructor if they would do the BFR in my RV at each of them and they all said yes. Did you ask your local flight instructor yet?

Remember the RV owner getting his BFR in his RV or the CFI need a LODA in order to have the BFR in the RV.
Since this is only a BFR, I was hoping to get it done in any RV, although a -6/-6A would be preferred, and perhaps learn something new. I was hoping a local CFI might already have done their LODA and would be offering this service. My current plane is temporarily not airworthy.
Since this is only a BFR, I was hoping to get it done in any RV, although a -6/-6A would be preferred, and perhaps learn something new. I was hoping a local CFI might already have done their LODA and would be offering this service. My current plane is temporarily not airworthy.

Opps. This is completely different. Unless it is absolutely free, no tit for tat, no dollars, using an EAB for hire is not allowed. The only exception is the decade old LODA for ‘transition training’. And that explicitly forbids Flight Review sign-offs. The newer lodas allow compensation for a cfi in a customer’s airplane, which he presumably does not rent to himself. (It could also be a daughter, or a really good friend, as long as no charge is made for the airplane)
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