
Well Known Member
I just got the EAA Certification Kit for getting my airplane certified. They mention that you must have a signed bill of sale for each of the previous owners showing trail to you.
I am the 3rd owner. The original owner bought it from Lancair. He sold it to someone. Then I bought it from that person.
All I have is a handwritten bill of sale signed by that person showing I bought it. I also have some paperwork from Lancair showing that I am the current owner.
What are others in this situation doing to satisfy this requirement? I cant get in touch with the previous owners anymore.
I'd contact Lancair and see if they would be willing to write you a bill of sale, since they already confirm you as owner.
Registration problem not certification.

Actually this is just a registration problem. Once it's registered properly, we (inspectors) don't care about the bill of sale.
I just got the EAA Certification Kit for getting my airplane certified. They mention that you must have a signed bill of sale for each of the previous owners showing trail to you.
I am the 3rd owner. The original owner bought it from Lancair. He sold it to someone. Then I bought it from that person.
All I have is a handwritten bill of sale signed by that person showing I bought it. I also have some paperwork from Lancair showing that I am the current owner.
What are others in this situation doing to satisfy this requirement? I cant get in touch with the previous owners anymore.

I don't get it??? :confused: The person you bought it from would not supply you with a copy of their bill of sale from the original owner? That would be a condition of sale I would sure think.
The cleanest way to get the registration handled is if you could get Lancair to give you a bill of sale directly from them to you for the kit. That would eliminate the need for any other bills of sale. If you can't get Lancair to do this for you, you'll need a complete chain of ownership for the kit from Lancair to you. If you do not have FAA bills of sale (form 8050-2) from each owner in the chain, or other documents that include the same legal language as the FAA bill of sale, your registration application will likely be bounced back to you by the FAA.

As Mel said, this is all part of the registration process. This needs to be completed before the FAA inspector or DAR can perform the airworthiness inspection.

Reg. Issues.

When you buy a second hand Lancair kit. All Lancair requires is that you provide some sort of bill of sale to them so they can put you as the current owner in the system. I called them and they have a tracking of all the owners up to me. So its legit in their system. I have never been told that I would need bill of sales from every owner the kit had. I thought that all that mattered was that you had a bill of sale from the person you bought it from and since that was good enough for the factory to update their records why would you need anything else? Its really quite pointless to have all these bill of sales from other transactions. As long as the Factory who made kit recognizes you as the current owner what is the problem? The politics involved in certifying and insuring Experimental aircraft is getting ridiculous.
Its really quite pointless to have all these bill of sales from other transactions. As long as the Factory who made kit recognizes you as the current owner what is the problem? The politics involved in certifying and insuring Experimental aircraft is getting ridiculous.


Are you the one signing the 8130-12 stating "I certify the aircraft identified in Section II above was fabricate and assembled by ______???Name of Person(s)???______ for my (their) education or recreation. I (we) have records to support this statement and will make them available to the FAA upon request." Did the former owners hire someone to build the parts?

YOU are the one responsible for providing these names, NOT the factory that manufactured the parts. You mention all you received was a handwritten bill of sale but hopefully you got some sort of build log as well. Worse case scenario, you may find that your Lancair becomes a very expensive static display.

Not so pointless if you step back and look at the big picture.

Just in case no one has told you yet, you may not be eligible for a repairman's certificate either.

Getting the info pack from the EAA is a step in the right direction, there's LOTS of good info on their site about buying a kit from individuals as well. What you should read if you are considering buying an experimental aircraft or partially completed kit.
Bill of Sale doesn't define Construction Log

Having a bunch of 'bill of sales' and having log books to prove any work completed on the project are two different subjects. There could have been 15 different owners that did nothing at all to the kit. What would having the bill of sale prove? It would prove there were 15 different owners of a kit but woudn't show anything about the amount of work each person did.
So if your saying its important to have log books to know what each person did I agree.
If your saying its important to have copies of a Bill of sale from each person who owned it as if to prove anything about work done on it, I disagree.
I could care less who owned it or how many owners there were.. I do care who did work on it and I do care that I have a bill of sale from the person I bought it from. Fortunately I have all these things and Lancair is kind enough they are sending me copies of all the previous bill of sale. Problem solved. for now.
Excellent resource

I received this note from my brother (Butch) in N Little Rock. Looks like an excellent resource.

Kenny Blalock is a DAR here in NLR and his website spava.com includes a section where he answers most all of the homebuilt certification questions AND he has all of the forms. Kinda neat. Here's a link to the section >> here