
Active Member
I've been searching the internet with little luck. I have the following combination engine and prop for my RV-8. Engine: Superior XP-IO-360-B1AA2, Prop: Hartzel C2YR-1BF/F7496 I'm getting ready for my inspection in a couple of weeks. Can someone tell me if this is a certificated engine prop combination and where do I find the documentation to show the examiner to try and have a 25hr phase one instead of 40hrs. Also can anyone tell me what restrictions there are with this combination and where to I find the documentation for that.

I've been searching the internet with little luck. I have the following combination engine and prop for my RV-8. Engine: Superior XP-IO-360-B1AA2, Prop: Hartzel C2YR-1BF/F7496 I'm getting ready for my inspection in a couple of weeks. Can someone tell me if this is a certificated engine prop combination and where do I find the documentation to show the examiner to try and have a 25hr phase one instead of 40hrs. Also can anyone tell me what restrictions there are with this combination and where to I find the documentation for that.
The Superior XP series of engines are NOT certificated.
Your phase I flight test period will be a minimum of 40 hours per FAA Order 8130.2F.
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XP is the clue!

Mel's post says it all but I will add my comments anyway.

It is the "XP" in the engine that gives your combination away. At that point it is irrelevant whether you have a certificated prop or not. The fact that you do not have a certificated engine kills the idea of having a certificated engine/prop combination.

Really, unless you just have a burning desire to subject your friends and family to risks before you have had a chance to shake down your new airplane, 40 hours is not going to be near long enough to find out all you need to find out about your airplane, let alone 25 hours.

If you are close to test flying your airplane consider the 40 hours as truly a "test phase" and test it as much as you can. If you do so you will wonder where all of the time went.

Good Luck. Live Long and Prosper!
It's a moot point

It doesn't matter if you put a certified engine and prop on your plane. Your plane is experimental and this makes everything experimental. Mel could probably recite the code here but Engine and prop combinations are certified together on the airframe. I think this is mostly done for vibration purposes but I know of friends who got different engines on their cert planes and had to get different props as well to comply with the STC. I know Hartzell has done some vib testing on these engine prop combos but they still are not certified. I had a certified prop and engine on my RV-6 and still had to fly off 40hrs. I've also heard of some inspectors only giving a guy 25hrs with the experimental engines. After all they are made out of the same certified parts. It's all just a paper and numbers game.
It doesn't matter if you put a certified engine and prop on your plane. Your plane is experimental and this makes everything experimental. Mel could probably recite the code here but Engine and prop combinations are certified together on the airframe. I think this is mostly done for vibration purposes but I know of friends who got different engines on their cert planes and had to get different props as well to comply with the STC. I know Hartzell has done some vib testing on these engine prop combos but they still are not certified. I had a certified prop and engine on my RV-6 and still had to fly off 40hrs. I've also heard of some inspectors only giving a guy 25hrs with the experimental engines. After all they are made out of the same certified parts. It's all just a paper and numbers game.

As per our local DAR. Certified engine and prop usually = 25 hrs. Non- certified one or the other = 40 hrs., with no exception.

Engine: Superior XP-IO-360-B1AA2, Prop: Hartzel C2YR-1BF/F7496
We have just about this - a B1AB2 maybe? So long as you stick to Mags (i.e. not Electronic Ignition) then you have no RPM restrictions I believe - we have none :)

We in the UK have a generally more restrictive system than the USA - but it has some benefits ;) Basically only specific engines are approved, and the XP-360 is because it is based on a certified engine (the Superior Vantage is certified, and essentially the same as the XP). Our test phase is a minimum of 5 hours flying then a formal Flight Test Schedule...

Andy & Ellie Hill
I've been searching the internet with little luck. I have the following combination engine and prop for my RV-8. Engine: Superior XP-IO-360-B1AA2, Prop: Hartzel C2YR-1BF/F7496 I'm getting ready for my inspection in a couple of weeks. Can someone tell me if this is a certificated engine prop combination and where do I find the documentation to show the examiner to try and have a 25hr phase one instead of 40hrs. Also can anyone tell me what restrictions there are with this combination and where to I find the documentation for that.

My experience with more inspections than I can count, it does not matter what the regs say, its what the DAR thinks. I cant tell you what a ball of confusion this seems to be with the DARS. In the end you will get what they think you should have and that will be that.
I got 40 hrs

Thanks guys. The FAA droped out on me at the last minute without even a phone call. I recieved an email about 11pm a couple days before. I found a DAR and still ended up with 40 hours. I got to fly all memorial weekend. Its a real kick in the pants. "Strato" flew chase. I only have been dealing with a few cowl rub issues, on the baffle and the snorkel, and need to raise my #1 CHT. I'll put something more formal out in the future. I'm playing catch up at work after taking all last week off to get her done and as soon as I'm out of here I'm going back up. The nice thing about not painting it yet is I can change colors of primer real easy and with small N numbers I should be able to stay out of trouble. That RV grin feels good.