
Well Known Member
As I'm thinking about getting my wire from the battery contactor (located as per RV7A) to my breaker buss... has anyone any thoughts about using a ceramic feed thru insulator? See the #32103 for example. I think I even have one in my parts box somewhere.

I considered the boat item mentioned elsewhere here... but that doesn't look very fireproof.

Building RV6A with late style (7A) PC680 battery box.
Blue Sea / Tube feed thru / Ceramic

From the website the Blue Sea item's base is 'thermoplastic'... so as soon as fire hits it, it will melt. I like the idea, hate the execution.

The tube style I am using ... but didn't really need another tube just to run the Batt+ thru. [Best to keep that separate from any signal wires.]

The ceramic cracking is a concern... but this is the same sort of thing that would attach an NDB antenna... that wire in the slipstream is bound to vibrate. When was the last time you saw one of these broken on an NDB antenna?
The less connectors the better, so IMO, just running the cable thru the firewall with good protection is the best way to go, no fancy feed-thru needed.
[Best to keep that separate from any signal wires.]
I don't buy that for one second.

The ceramic cracking is a concern... but this is the same sort of thing that would attach an NDB antenna... that wire in the slipstream is bound to vibrate. When was the last time you saw one of these broken on an NDB antenna?

Touche'. Good point :D. It is an experimental so you are free to do so. Did the old NDB mounts vibrate like the firewall?? Mmmm. Don't know. I considered a "feedthrough" at one point. I even had a bag of them in hand but Walts point made the difference for me.