Pirkka said:
Well, the info in the TCDS says that Thielert is the applicant.

Pirkka said:
Somebody is looking for a type certificate for a 155 hp diesel engine. :D Now we just need to find a way to buy these engines once they come out...
They have more than just applied for the type certificate, they have actually received it. The 114 kW variant (153 hp) was approved on 06 March 2007. I'm betting they'll have an engine at OSH, quite possibly in a demo aircraft. I don't have any inside knowledge - but this seems like a good bet.
It's been a while since I checked with them, but Thielert has so far refused to offer engines for sale to the homebuilt market. They have received supplemental type certs. covering a wide range of factory aircraft. Their popularity in Europe has been very strong, as avgas in Germany and neighboring countries runs about 2X+ what we pay in the U.S. In addition, the fuel burn is about 30% less in GPH. Diesel power is the choice of most auto buyers in europe as well. My understanding that BMW is likely to introduce a 5 series diesel in the U.S. next year that will get about 40MPG.
range in an RV?

Not that I'm anywhere close to building...I'm very interested in this type of powerplant and can only hope they offer them for homebuilts. Wow...imagine the range of an RV with a diesel engine! I think it'd outlast our bladder range for sure!

Just curious as to how much more it would weigh

Still...fingers crossed!

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gstopyra said:
[...]can only hope they offer them for homebuilts. Wow... [...]Just curious as to how much more it would weigh
They are actually willing to offer it for homebuilts, but only if the homebuilt manufacturer will offer them as OEM and like firewall forward -solution. For the weight, it is the same as the Centurion 1.7 or 2.0 and accroding to that type certificate the dry weight is 134 kg. And from Wikipedia you can find some weight comparison against 320: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centurion_engine

There are few things I'm concerned: maximum power is limited so actually for cruise flight you are kind of a limited even for a take off they are promising that 155 hp. If you could get engine from them (why can't you find dealer who can buy these and get one?) so if there will be problems or similar then what? FADEC takes care of most so you actually have "power" in your panel and engine takes care of mixture and blade angles. But this leads that actually there are just few propellers that fit the engine. Yes, you propably can put there some other propeller as well, but does FADEC work after that as planned etc.
Well this seems to be basically the 135HP engine as the cruise power is the same 71kW. They are just bumping up the take off power.
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kevinsky18 said:
Well this seems to be basically the 135HP engine as the cruise power is the same 71kW. They are just bumping up the take off power.
Yeah... i quess we shall wait that 230 HP version which might have maximum cruise rated bellow 200 HP anyway... ;) Ok, that may be a bit heavy option but let's see.
Actually I should correct myself 71kw is the recommended cruise power. 135 or 155 can be run continously if you like. None the less it appears to be the same displacement engine. So maybe the feel compfortable enough to bump up the power without too much modification.
kevinsky18 said:
Actually I should correct myself 71kw is the recommended cruise power. 135 or 155 can be run continously if you like. None the less it appears to be the same displacement engine. So maybe the feel compfortable enough to bump up the power without too much modification.
When they say "maximum recommended cruising" I would consider it similar than Van's MTOW suggestions... sure you can go over them, but are you on clear water after that. :rolleyes:
The spec sheet clearly says that you can run the engine continually at 155hp. I just missed it on the first read. Like any engine though most people don't run them full out they throttle back to 75, 65 or 55% power depending on their mission.