mike newall

Well Known Member
RV7, tip up QB from Czech.

In the 1993 bag there are some AN426-14 aluminium rivets.

We cannot see any callout for them at all, any suggestions ?

We also have noticed some bolts out of the spar - 6 #4 and 4 #3's. We presume these are to allow the QB to be either a 7 or 7A - there seem to be several instances of this in our fuselage. We have put the bolts in but hope we haven't missed anything ! The lower ones were hard to fit :(

Comments awaited.
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Mike, the 14's are called out on DWG 11, in the Aft Center Section Blkhead Assembly Rear View diagram.

They hold the F-704G Vertical Bar in place.

It just so happens that DWG is on my wall and I am at the same ppoint in construction on the other side of the world, right now!

Hope this helps!


Thanks for that, just checked, already installed by the QB folks in Czech.

Anyone want some cheap AN426-14 rivets ?

The power of the internet indeed !