Flying Scotsman

Well Known Member
Probably a dumb question, but...

I'm prepping all the center section parts (the F-704 A/B/C/D pieces), shear bars, etc...just about ready to put them all together but here's the thing. Unless I've gone *blind* (always a possibility), nowhere in the instructions for this portion does it actually *say* to rivet things together (specifially, the 704A,B,C,D and G components).

Is it okay to go ahead do that? Are there any rivets to leave out for later "rivet in assembly" pieces, etc.?

I feel kinda dumb even asking this question...
As you proceed further and further into the instructions, they tell you less and less about what all you are to do. Read ahead to make sure you understand how things go together and remember one of the rules of riveting, which is to not rivet until you have to. Since you are building a 7, you might check Checkoway's site to see how he progressed (I am deflecting answering your question since I did a 9 and don't have the plans with me).