
Well Known Member
I just finished preparing my fuselage center section for riveting and realized I misinterpreted the instructions. For the F-904A foreward bulkhead: when the instructions said to countersink the 4 holes that also get the floor stiffeners, I did that, but I countersunk only the 904A flange on its own. I went .007” deep of flush, because I thought the foreward and center bottom skins would just be nested dimples and sit in the flange countersink. After the fact, I finally found the note on the plans and see that the intent was to countersink through the center skin and bulkhead flange together.

What’s the deal with the floor stiffeners? Do they not lie on top of the flat surface of the countersunk flange? I’m trying to figure out why the plans call this out, and if I created a problem by countersinking the bulkhead flange and dimpling the center section bottom skin.