
Well Known Member
I am in the process of building a center arm rest for my 9A. Wondering how others have gone about this task. I have the shape worked out to fit the angles between the seats, and it looks like the thickness is about 2.75" but what materials did you use to make it out of? I would guess some angle and .032?

Also how tall did you make it? I was thinking about 12" from the bottom tunnel cover.

Thanks much...

Have you seen the ones the guy is selling over on eBay, for about a million bucks apiece? :(

Seriously, he wants an 'arm and a leg' for them, but the design looks nice. I thought I would tell you they are over there, in case you want to check out his photos. It sure doesn't look too terribly tough to build! Go to eBay and do a general search for "Vans RV". You will see them there.

Take care,
Ya, I've seen that setup. I was thinking more minimal, just an armrest portion like Mike Stewart's RV-6A setup.
Center Console for RV's

Check out the link below or go to the home page for VAF and click on "advertisers". This is made by the same guy that does the gear leg stiffeners.
He is very prompt in shipping what you order. I went to Joanne's and bought a sq yard of genuine imitation leather for about $7 and covered the whole thing. (Sorry, no picture available of mine - but their ad shows it)
It was $35 plus a little shipping.

Instead of an armrest, I made a step so I don't have to stand on my seats to get in. It's about the height of my leg when I'm sitting down.

I made it from a single piece of bent .063 without using any angle stock. Instead, I just bent tabs on the bottom and the top. The top is a piece of particle board covered with carpet.
Center console

I made one much as you described for my 6A.

From giving many rides to non-aviators I've found that entry and exit are challenging for some. So,I put a center console between the seats and handles on the roll bars to help folks.

Getting in, folks are concerned about stepping on the seat cushions. They aren't allowed to do that at home ;) If there is carpet on the floor, it may also slip and hinder entry/exit. Getting out, some folks have difficulty because they want to reach up with both hands and grab the the fiberglass fairing over your canopy rollbar. (bad form!)

So, an alternaitive is the handgrip on the bow for the right hand and the center console for the left. If the carpet doesn't scoot out from underneath them,they might just get up enough to get their backs hung on the rear seat cushion,then their foot on the bottom cushion or seat belt/headset cord.

Oh well, at least they enjoyed the ride!
Center console update

akarmy said:
I am in the process of building a center arm rest for my 9A. Wondering how others have gone about this task.

I thought I would share some pictures of my finished product for those that may be interested in doing something similar. The link as all the details.

Finished ArmRest Mapbox
