
Well Known Member
I am attempting to attach the center canopy slide rail to the top aft fuse skin. If I bend the rail per the drawing (44 or 46), it does not lay flat against the canopy receptacle. Should I leave the little hump in (per the drawing) or do I ignore the drawing and open it up a little so that it lays flat.


ignore dwg may be a little generous wording, but that's what I did. made it fit as well as it would under the circumstances while maintaining the intent of the rail. turns out the bend is a little farther fwd than what is depicted in the dwg- - but it works fine. you'll have a little wiggle room when it is time to make the little plastic block thingy into which the frames slides.

and don't do what I did- - my rail isn't perfectly centered on the top skin (don't tell anybody). had to make some mods to make things work correctly. even after measuring 12 times and checking and doublechecking, I managed to balls it up.
follow the plans

I followed the plans exactly. The end of the rail spacer-bar gets an angled flat cut/filed on it, and that face mates perfectly down in the pocket on the back of the fuselage. The rail does have a gap above the pocket as it turns downward.

If you change the bend angle and change the height/length of the gap, you will find that the engagement angle will also change, and the locking pin won't fall naturally into the plastic locking block that gets screwed to the F807 bulkhead.
If you follow the drawings, the locking pin is at exactly the right angle and settles nicely into the locking block.

RV-8QB FWF and finishing
I ended up opening the bend angle just a little from what the drawing specified. This way the rail was flat against the receptical and the aft fuse skin. After I installed the frame, the pin went in just fine for me. So, it all worked out in the end.

Thanks for the replies.