
Well Known Member
Hopefully this is not a $125 screw up.

Question: Is there a top and bottom to this piece? In other words can the drain holes and the antenna holes be either on the right or the left.

Of course, I thought I checked and double checked, but indeed I have the piece flipped over relative to the plans. I hope that the piece is symmetrical other than the drain holes and the antenna hole.

Any one else dimple the wrong side?

The piece costs $98 plus shipping. I would rather replace than flatten and dimple the opposite side. Especially since I already scuffed the "inside" for priming.

Any thoughts?

Don't feel like the lone ranger

I did the same thing. I could never get an answer to the question, so I ordered an new skin. What do you do with a predrilled, dimpled scrap skin?
Wish I could give you an official reply, but after just building that piece I would tell you to build on if it passes the following test.

Cleco the piece to the spar carry through and the correct ribs etc. If it all goes together then there is no compensation in the design of the other pieces for orientation of the rib flanges and the holes. That could be the only thing we are unable to tell by just looking at the piece.

I'm betting it works and you will feel fine with building on. If it doesn't work, you will at least know the $125 was not in vane.
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I did the same thing. I could never get an answer to the question, so I ordered an new skin. What do you do with a predrilled, dimpled scrap skin?

If was a different model, you would use it for fabs, but the 14 is so complete you might section it off, use it for inspection sign-off by techs, friends, during the build, and the launch party. Then, use it as a wall ornament/art to commemorate your build. Maybe get Van and DR to sign too!
I called last night and no conclusion was made. The tech person thought it might be OK from a quick look at the drawings, but he suggested flattening and redimpling the other direction to be safe. I don't plan on doing that option. Just don't think that is a good idea for an entire skin. Also, I have one figure 8 hole at one of the dimples, which I already drilled a second hole next to it. I would then end up with another extra hole.

I then emailed some one else at Van's and they indicated that it should be fine other than the antenna hole and drain holes will be on the opposite side.

My plan is to cleco everything in place and see how it goes together. Or if that dimpling mistake really keeps me up at night, maybe I will just order a new skin.

This one definitely needs to go into the "gotchas" section.
Another random question about this piece. Were people able to dimple the center hole in the piece with there c-frame? I am using a Numatx C frame and I could not quite get to that hole.

I ended up using a rivet gun and that female dimpler which screws to a bench top.
so apparently the drain holes might be the issue.

"The reason we have them off to the one side is to prevent oil getting inside the fuselage. The prop swirl will push oil to the other side of the belly."

I think that the piece should be label top and bottom when you get it in the kit. Just a thought.
So in typical fashion I took a 50/50 problem and got it wrong again. I didn't dimple yet, but I did prime the wrong side of the bottom fuselage skin. It is a beautiful shade of green.

Is the piece symmetrical except for the drain holes and the antenna? It seems so.

I can flip the piece and have a primed belly - I will call that a feature instead of a flaw. Or I can leave as is and drill some drain holes on the other side; then dimple and fill the original holes. That would put the antenna on the other side and the antenna doesn't care.

Or I could build on.... Will oil really blow into the fuselage if the holes are on the wrong side?
Doesn't make an ounce of difference except the drain holes will be on the wrong side.
They are positioned as per the plans to help prevent any oil streaking from the motor entering the cockpit substructure.
I dimpled the wrong side and as the freight from Dixie was prohibitive I built on.
Absolutely no issues encountered.
Well I tossed it around and decided to flip the piece and prime the real interior. I'll call the belly primer a feature. AKZO. It is oil and fuel resistant is it not!!! I'll be easy to see in my first flights.