Greg Arehart

Well Known Member
Can any of the electronic wizards out there give me some advice? I have tried to connect two different cell phones to the input on my Lightspeed headsets. One (old Nokia) simply doesn't work at all for reception (i.e., I cannot hear anything in the headset) and the other (relatively new Samsung) gives me reception and voice but also has a screaming in the background that makes the phone call almost useless. Lightspeed said to make sure that the phone is well away from the connector box, but 4 feet yields the same screaming background. So the questions are:

1) is there any way to get rid of the screaming background (i.e., what am I plugging in backwards or otherwise doing wrong)? or

2) does anyone know of a compatible cell phone (Lightspeed 20XL headset)?

Greg, sorry to hear your issues. I've had two cell phones work just fine with my 30-3G and Zulus. One was the Motorola flip phone and the new one is the Palm Trio. Most times people don't believe I'm talking from the plane. Don't tell the FCC on me please!!
I know they have some issues with Blackberries (what I have). You should give them a call. They have great customer service.

Kind of old school cell, but I had an adaptor to get my old Nokia to work with my Lightspeed. It was $10 and I got it on line. Maybe your phone fits into this category. :confused:
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It may be the adapter cable. I had to try 3 or 4 different adapter cables to get my Samsung to work with my Thirty Three G. Switched to a Motorola V3 and I had to try two differnent cables to get it to work.

The Motorola V3 connected by Bluetooth with no problem to my upgraded ZULU. Replaced the Motorola V3 with an iPhone and it has no problem connecting by Bluetooth to the ZULU.
I have the lightspeed 20xl (refurb) with the cell phone adapter and a Samsung Blackjack and it works fine. My only complaint is it isn't quite loud enough. The blackjack will be going away shortly soon as I can get my hands on the new iPhone 3GS.

I had a set or original G3-30, meaning when they first came out!
the cell phone connect just didn't work. I sent them back for a no charge update and they now work fine with my standard cell phone.

So well in fact, the incomming voice clarity is so good, if I need to make an
important phone call from the hangar, like a tech support call to an engine shop or the likes, I'll take my headset out of the plane and hook up my cellphone to make the call.....sounds way better and I can use my hands to take notes with instead of holding the phone.
Good luck
Related Question for Those with Zulus

I just upgraded to a Zulu (in the mail, not yet in my hands). What else have you used your bluetooth for besides cell phone? Are there other interesting uses for the headset in addition to "handsfree" from the hanger? TIA.
I just upgraded to a Zulu (in the mail, not yet in my hands). What else have you used your bluetooth for besides cell phone? Are there other interesting uses for the headset in addition to "handsfree" from the hanger? TIA.

You can play music over Bluetooth with the iPhone. If you have a Bluetooth capable laptop, you can use the headset for Skype, watching movies, or playing games...


Well, I finally called Lightspeed (great customer service, by the way) and it turns out that almost all cell phones require an adapter, I guess because of the proprietary nature of their plug holes. Anyway, the adapters are available from a number of vendors online, including

for about $10. I'm hoping this solves my problem and just included it here for future reference.
