
Well Known Member
845 RV took to the skies today. Stayed up only 30 minutes but it was exciting. Celebrating tonight.

Based in Wray, Co 2v5
Congrats and nothing like squeezing it in the end of the decade! You will probably be the last to have a 2009 first flight date.
Now the real fun starts

Just change your budget line from "construction" to "fuel".
Dont mean to be rude, but----

Congrats and nothing like squeezing it in the end of the decade!

Sorry, but 2010 is the last year of this decade.

Common misconception fostered by the media, advertisers, ETC.

Try counting on your fingers, afterall, our number system is based on how many fingers we have.

IIRC 2000 was the first year of the decade, century, millenium,..., wouldn't that make 2010 the first year of the next decade and so 2009 the last year of the last one??? :p
IIRC 2000 was the first year of the decade, century, millenium,..., wouldn't that make 2010 the first year of the next decade and so 2009 the last year of the last one??? :p

Nope, just more media hype, 2000 was the last year of the millennium, century etc.

As is typical in counting something, you start with the first one, and it is called "one".

There was no year zero..........
Amazing how complicated counting can be! It's because we count centuries, eg. "the 17th or 19th or 21st" century, but don't count decades the same way. If we were talking about the end of the "200th" decade, that'd be the end of 2010, but we're talking about the end of the "aughts" or years that end with 0*, as opposed to the beginning of the "tens" or years that end with 1*.

How did this get started?

Clay "Cookie Monster" Cook
New Years Resolution

Fly off your 40, take someone special for a ride, have fun in your new RV. Congratulations! What a way to begin the dec.....uhhh, year!;)
It's because your not a computer geek.

In the digital world, you always start with Zero. The first element of an array is zero, etc. :cool:

No matter if you are writing on parchmant and waiting a year, or counting now,


And happy first flight!!!

(Just tanks, *sigh*) :eek:


Nope, just more media hype, 2000 was the last year of the millennium, century etc.

As is typical in counting something, you start with the first one, and it is called "one".

There was no year zero..........
Congrads, just started on my Emp a couple of days ago. Your 1st flight gives me the motivation to get to the point you are today.


No Pictures

My other half was running the camera and was not ready for me to take off. I was not even ready. My first intention was just to taxi half way down the runway. As I approached speed where I should have pulled back the power, things were going so well that I decided to keep going. Pulling back the stick was a little scary but it is a well designed craft. No problems getting off the ground or back on. Just tweaking and getting use to the instruments, and getting the feel of the RV7a. Thanks for all the help from the forum.