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Well Known Member
Finally, after years of unsuccessful efforts, today, I finally found out how to post photos! Go to todays thread "Test Photo" by Steve Melton for the link and other's successes. Others are finding it easy now. Hurray!

To celebrate, here's a photo of our third, and latest, RV.

The photo share link is below

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Finally, after years of unsuccessful efforts, today, I finally found out how to post photos! Go to todays thread "Test Photo" by Steve Melton for the link and other's successes. Others are finding it easy now. Hurray!

To celebrate, here's a photo of our third, and latest, RV.

The photo share link is below

Just make sure you know that by using that service you have given away all rights to your photo.....they are free to use it however they wish. It is a great (free) way for them to harvest images to sell as stock photos. No telling where the image of your beautiful RV may end up...... :(
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Thanks but couldn't anyone copy any other photo on this or any other forum and use it wherever they wanted? Guess you'd have some legal recourse but are you/us really going to go after someone in Zambia?
Just make sure you know that by using that service you have given away all rights to your photo.....they are free to use it however they wish. It is a great (free) way for them to harvest images to sell as stock photos. No telling where the image of your beautiful RV may end up...... :(

Sam, Thanks for pointing that out.

And it seems we have given up even more rights to DR by posting anything to VAF.

Buried in the posting rules (

"By submitting content to the VAF Forums, you are granting Delta Romeo, LLC. a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right (including any moral rights) and license to use, license, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, derive revenue or other remuneration from, communicate to the public, perform and display the content (in whole or in part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed. "

[ed. Many years ago I copied with permission the exact text the mothership had on their site. Then I did a search and replace their business name with mine. Even the updated mothership has just about the same text: dr]
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Which site would you use Sam?

I don't have a perfect answer, just pointing out the way these photo hosting sites are harvesting images.....they get free images then can sell them as they wish....not a bad business model. If only a tiny percentage of uploaded images are marketable it is worth their efforts. If you want to see the wild, wild west, check out the content release on that great big social media site.... ;)

I don't think Doug is in the business of marketing images on his forum even though he has a boiler plate release in his notes.

My images on VAF appear via a link to the provider that hosts my websites. I haven't dug into their legalese, they probably have the same rights as Doug. But their business model is commercial hosting and support for enterprise, not marketing images. Abusing their clients could have serious impact on their bottom line.

But anytime we post something to the web we have basically given it away....a right-click of the mouse and somebody has stolen it without consequences unless considerable effort is taken to chase it down. I fought this for years as a professional photographer (watermarks, low-res, etc). I did get an ad banned on Barnst****mers after someone stole some of my images.

[ed. Many years ago I copied with permission the exact text the mothership had on their site. Then I did a search and replace their business name with mine. Even the updated mothership has just about the same text: v/r,dr]
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posting images from iphone

I just wish there was an easy way to post pictures to VAF from an iPhone.
I agree - it's not easy. I have not found a way to do everything direct from the iphone. Still need your laptop.

If you really want to, and are ready to feel some pain, here's how I do it. There are probably other, easier, better ways, but I have not found them. To be fair, I have not looked all that hard.

  • Create a Wordpress website - you can do this for about 6 USD/month with a company like Bluehost. Perhaps direct with Wordpress is better - I have not tried this.
  • Configure your photo options on the iphone to Jpeg - they call this "compatible" - otherwise you are in HEIC which is a bit too new for most websites
  • Get an app on your phone called Wordpress
  • Use this app to upload the photos to your Wordpress site
  • Later, when you get home, go to the Media tab of your Wordpress website with your PC to find the image
  • right click during the preview of the image to get the smaller sized image
  • Copy that URL into the VAF post

Considering the content ownership clause on VAF, I feel that Doug is leaving a lot of money on the table when the day comes to sell this website by not hosting images.
I just use Google Photo. Don't post all that many photos but never had a problem that I'm aware of ...
Great shot of your -8! Very nice.

The problem with any image posting site is that there is a reasonable chance it will be gone in the not to distant future; especially the free ones. Not a great business model. That marginalizes the value of many of the posts here. I went through pretty much the entire "Show me your panel" thread in the past few days trying to get panel ideas for a new layout, and thread has been decimated by defunct hosting sites. It's a real shame. I remember seeing some spectacular panels there over the years. Wish there were a better solution.
BTW, personal thanks to all those generous souls that make time and effort to post pictures to this site. Pictures are often better then the verbiage. Thanks.
At the risk of being lambasted… I wonder why VAF doesn’t host photo upload as integral part of the forum site?

I follow a different forum which is very similar to VAF called RCGroups It is for radio control enthusiasts and it allows direct upload of photos which I believe remain active indefinitely. Uploading photos is very simple and forum is user friendly. I assume RCGroups is supported directly by paid advertisement.
Doug's Law fulfilled....yet again


At the risk of being lambasted… I wonder why VAF doesn’t host photo upload as integral part of the forum site?

Your answer:

Doug's law*
(a.k.a. Doug's rule of free digital storage analogies) is an Internet adage that asserts that "As a VAF online discussion grows longer, the probability of a suggestion of VAF hosting terabytes of everyone’s images and videos for free and forever, approaches one"; that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, eventually someone will suggest that if VAF hosted terabytes of imagery from thousands of people, their problems would be solved and they could get back to the business of wondering why their ‘lawnmower for sale’ classified listing got deleted.

In usage, when a ‘Why won’t Doug host terabytes of stranger’s imagery’ suggestion is made, the thread is considered finished and whoever made the initial reference loses whatever debate is in progress. The first reply of ‘Doug’s Law!’ scores extra points.

ScrollF4 for the win! :cool::D
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