
Well Known Member
I few into Cedar Mills on Saturday for lunch (can't do Sunday AM due to worship services) - I enjoyed it immensely. The wind was out of 210, making runway 25 an obvious choice. The approach over the water was great.

I have to ask...why don't they cut down that big tree! That thing is in the way.

Another question - Is taking off over the water the thing to do even if the wind is out of the west? I saw two other planes do it, so I did too. The wind was light so it made sense because there's no forest in the way (just the big tree and lots of H2O). Is the the normal procedure there - land over the water and take off over the water? Is there even a run up area at the east end of the field?
Flying into and out of Cedar Mills (3T0)

Yes! That is the normal procedure. If the winds were strong out of the west, then an uphill takeoff to the west on RWY 25 would be in order. That big beautiful tree on the southeast end of the runway is too pretty to cut down, and really isn't in the way. It appears that way at first, but there is plenty of room. The more you fly into and out of 3T0 the more you will realize that.
Cedar Mills Tree

If we cut down that tree it might eliminate that nasty burble when the wind is out of the south and ruin all the fun.

Drip Line

The tree in question is 50 feet from the edge of the runway. The drip line of the tree, not the center. A DC 3 comes in there from time to time. He has no proplem. There is a run up area on the east end.
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Heck yeah! I just did my first landing there this week in a 172, soft field procedure in and out in a 172 was not a problem with winds 110/05 I used 070 in and out. Thats a cool place, now I know where it is !!!!