
Active Member
I just finished my RV-7 (first flight in two weeks :D) so I am looking at places to go. I came across Cedar Mills and it looks like a great place but I noticed that it is right underneath our Military Training Route. Not a biggie if you know some of the ins and outs.
I don't know if the following is public knowledge; but I want to share this little bit of info with y'all regardless, like the old Dutch saying goes "double stitched holds better"

Route VR-1146, maintained and scheduled by Airspace management 80OSS/Scheppard AFB (VR-1145 is the other way but we never use that one)

used mainly by Sheppard T-38's so we fly either single ship or two ship over the lake from east to west from 500' AGL to 1500' AGL anywhere between 300kts (minimum) to 390kts.


Every weekday from one hour passed sunrise to one hour before sunset (has to do with bird activity) normally anytime the weather is better than 3000/5.

Normally not used in the weekends (or holidays) but that changes if we get behind with training, in that case the route should be activated thru Notam by Sheppard AFB base ops. (maybe once or twice a year but can be more)

All a/c squawk (4000 while on the route) and report route entry and exit to FSS but that is on UHF, so although we are not able to talk to each other FSS knows roughly where we are.

We do have TCAS so IF you are squawking we "should" be able to pick you up, but it is student training so expect nothing. The workload is pretty high for these guys (looking at the map, staying in position, listening to the radio, adjusting the timing, finding the target, checking obstacles and fuel while the IP is yelling from the back seat, all at 6Nm/min)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry9f8PnENm0 (not me btw)

I cant tell you how often we use the route, it all depends on student training, Wx, bird status etc etc. Sometimes many times a day sometimes not at all.

Like I said you probably know all this but I wanted to throw this out there just in case. Like someone much wiser than me always says "lets be careful out there." ;)

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radio towers!

Wow, at 300 kt and 500 ft, it must look like you are ripping through a steel forest. Lots of towers around there, some of them pretty darn high.
very true

not to mention the numerous windmills to the west (just north of muenster)! and they keep building em...
It's a great place to go with a great restaurant. Normally takeoff is to the east and landing is to the west. You will pick up a little burble as you pass the tree on the east end of the runway on landing. The east end usually stays a little wet so land a little long. After you Park just follow the road to the south to the restaurant.

Tampa, Florida