
Well Known Member
I am about to put in the nut plates on 10-20. Why is there one nut plate with one rivet an AN426AD-3-4, while the other rivet is a CCR-264s-3-2
I am about to put in the nut plates on 10-20. Why is there one nut plate with one rivet an AN426AD-3-4, while the other rivet is a CCR-264s-3-2

The blind rivet is usually for a location deemed difficult or impossible to install a solid rivet. If you think you can install a solid rivet, it is just fine to do so.
well the reason that I asked is because I did not think that it would be hard to squeeze. And I wondered if there was a special reason for the pop rivet.

It was not even a head scratcher for me. I squeezed it with any issues. Of course you have to have a long enough die on the inside or you will bend the longeron. I just use the longest squeezer die I have and then put a drilled out piece of aluminum between the die and the yoke to make the die "longer".

well the reason that I asked is because I did not think that it would be hard to squeeze. And I wondered if there was a special reason for the pop rivet.

It was not even a head scratcher for me. I squeezed it with any issues. Of course you have to have a long enough die on the inside or you will bend the longeron. I just use the longest squeezer die I have and then put a drilled out piece of aluminum between the die and the yoke to make the die "longer".


To be honest, I don't know what particular location your were/are talking about since I was not anywhere near a set of plans (at home).

I just mentioned the usual reason that a CCR rivet is specified for one end of a nut plate.
Van's says use a blind rivet

I'm scratching my head trying to figure when the 2nd to last nut plate going forward along the longeron is installed... And I saw this blind rivet question again. FYI, if you have the right yoke this rivet is easy to squeeze with a hand or pneumatic squeezer.

It's all about the tool...
I'm scratching my head trying to figure when the 2nd to last nut plate going forward along the longeron is installed... And I saw this blind rivet question again. FYI, if you have the right yoke this rivet is easy to squeeze with a hand or pneumatic squeezer.

It's all about the tool...

The KAI instructions are written based on the recommended minimum tool list that is in Section 2.
There will always be operations that can be done differently based on the availability of tools beyond what is on that list.