
Well Known Member
My 8 flew today at Chilean Sky, everything went perfect. 34 minutes Flight. I made a perfect 3 point landing.

Thanks to all of you for answering my questions. Thanks to my friends Edmundo, Ivan, Erik, Ariel, Sebastian, Ricardo, Wilfredo and Claudio for help me building. Thanks to my Mother Beatriz for her support.

I am happy with a big RV grin

Here is the link to Maiden Flight Video

Another link with second flight same day at afternoon

Here is the link with pictures from Maiden

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Congratulations Fernando! I'm glad it went well for you! Hopefully, I'll not be far behind you. And remember, you owe me a ride on my next trip to Santiago.
Congratulations. You've really earned this, after all the hassle you had in the last few months. Enjoy it.

Fly safe. Have fun.
Buena Fernando!!! Felicitaciones!!!!

tell us about your certification process Experience with the Chilean DGAC. Here in the US, the FAA is a walk in the park compared to what you have to go through to get the kit imported, approved, built and certified! tell us all about it!
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Congratulations! Nice to have your own (flyable) plane waiting for you at the airport, isn't it?

Great craftmanship. Good to have this one near home...
And the next project my friend?

Best Regards

Rodrigo Prambs
RV-8 Finishing wing.
Hi Folks,

I have added some pictures at the beginning of post, also I have to say that my 8 has 4 fly and a total of 6 hours, everything is going perfect till now.

Fly straight ahead, no heavy wing, also the ball is perfectly center.

Stall speed 55 kts clean and 50 kts full flap.

Oil temperatures between 175-185 no matter what. CHT will rise to 426 at the first flight climbing at full throttle/rpm to 3000' AGL. reducing throttle to 75% will reduce CHT to 360 and stay there all flight. we are in summer here flying with temperatures of 80 to 90 F.

I am flying with 8 quarts oil, I have added a total of 1 qt. in 6 hours.

I have changed my signature, now said "FLYING"

I have to said that this plane feels and fly beautiful, do exactly what you want. The best plane I have ever fly, so keep building you won?t be disappointed at the end.

Happy building and flying:D
Congratulations, Fernando..

....You have a beautiful wife, son and airplane!

Happy days with blue skies and tailwinds:)

Picture 19 of that DGAC (Chilean FAA) inspector is for me, the scariest!!!! I can only imagine what he was telling you.....Congratulations again! I know personally how hard it is to accomplish something like builiding your own airplane in a heavy burocratic environment.
WOW...your first landing was beyond perfect!!!!!!! Quedo impresionado de la buena mano!!!

You wife screaming "I love You" after touch down = Priceless!!!!
Muy Bueno!

Congratulations Fernando! Absolutely spectacular paint job! Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Saludos from the other side of the big lake...

congratulations again for your first condor flight!
Your paint design looks really great!
What are the Chilean requirements....

...for experimentals, as far as flight time before taking passengers, etc?

Here, we have a Phase 1, usually 40 hours and then we sign off the logbooks, saying in essence, that all is well. We can then leave our assigned phase 1 restricted flight area and take passengers and without distance limits.

Any restrictions over there?

...for experimentals, as far as flight time before taking passengers, etc?

Here, we have a Phase 1, usually 40 hours and then we sign off the logbooks, saying in essence, that all is well. We can then leave our assigned phase 1 restricted flight area and take passengers and without distance limits.

Any restrictions over there?


Yes Pierre is the same here, I have to fly 40 hours without carry passengers and within 25 nm from my base Airdrome SCSD.

But completing 40 hours we have to do lot but lot of paperwork to get final airworthiness cartificate.

Also we are going to have real problems in the future, Chilean FAA said that they don't know what they are going to say to general public if one of those amateur plane crash and someone get kill, so they think the best is to keep experimental out of cities. Problem with DGAC is that they think to have a safe sky general aircraft don't have to fly at all.
For example no one from Chilean FAA make a real inspection to my plane just the paperwork, they ask me to do lot of paperwork, so they can show to people that they ask me to do things if samething goes wrong.
Thanks, may be a long shot...

...but have you considered getting our EAA to possibly talk with your officials and give them some numbers?

It's also hard to believe that you didn't get a good preflight inspection either. Maybe no one knows how to inspect!!:D

...but have you considered getting our EAA to possibly talk with your officials and give them some numbers?

It's also hard to believe that you didn't get a good preflight inspection either. Maybe no one knows how to inspect!!:D


Hi Pierre,

My friends and me inspected the plane before first flight completely a couple of times every item, but people from DGAC don't know what to look for, they just know paper.
I have told them lot of times about certify planes that doesn't look airworthy but has all paper and signatures from a mechanics, a supervisor and a aeronautical engineer(certify Aircraft need that 3 signatures every year) so the plane is safe to fly:confused:
The problem with Experimental is that DGAC think they are responsible, because the plane is build by amateur and my signature on the logs doesn't count, so if I crash and kill someone is their fault or responsibility. With certify planes if the plane crash they said "the plane is certify and has been maintained/inspected by a mechanics, supervisors and Aeronautical Engineers, so everything is fine and is no one fault that the plane has kill XX number of person"

One more thing the only guys approved to act like Aeronautical Engineers in Chile are Ex-Chilean Air Force and they study there. I have a friend that study in USA and worked for Boeing for 10 years when he returned to Chile he was not able to work like an Engineers for planes.

So Pierre I thing you get the picture, we are alone here trying to build good planes and fighting with ignorants and bureaucratic.

But they will not get me out of Sky:)
Hi Pierre,

My friends and me inspected the plane before first flight completely a couple of times every item, but people from DGAC don't know what to look for, they just know paper.
I have told them lot of times about certify planes that doesn't look airworthy but has all paper and signatures from a mechanics, a supervisor and a aeronautical engineer(certify Aircraft need that 3 signatures every year) so the plane is safe to fly:confused:
The problem with Experimental is that DGAC think they are responsible, because the plane is build by amateur and my signature on the logs doesn't count, so if I crash and kill someone is their fault or responsibility. With certify planes if the plane crash they said "the plane is certify and has been maintained/inspected by a mechanics, supervisors and Aeronautical Engineers, so everything is fine and is no one fault that the plane has kill XX number of person"

One more thing the only guys approved to act like Aeronautical Engineers in Chile are Ex-Chilean Air Force and they study there. I have a friend that study in USA and worked for Boeing for 10 years when he returned to Chile he was not able to work like an Engineers for planes.

So Pierre I thing you get the picture, we are alone here trying to build good planes and fighting with ignorants and bureaucratic.

But they will not get me out of Sky:)

Same throught out all Latin America and it comes from a mix of FAA, ICAO and EASA European mentality (whatever is more convenient at the moment to apply) . Chile always been keen to emulate CAA rules (Brits) .

It will become even worst now that all Latin american countries are unifyng their regulations (LAFARS) which are strictly target for 121 and 135 operations only Part 91 does not exist as in the US...It is so prohibited that it is almost as bad as 135. Experimentals and LSA do not exist legally and they are there because they were part of the original FAA translated FAR's when they were forced to use. They have no understanding as to how a regular citizen can build and fly his own aircraft....

An unfortunate reality.!!!
A great option, Fernando... to move to the USA:) As an experienced Airbus pilot that you are, I wouldn't know what the hiring situation is over here, in these economic times.

Best, to move to the USA:) As an experienced Airbus pilot that you are, I wouldn't know what the hiring situation is over here, in these economic times.


Ever been to Chile? he already lives in heaven! maybe not GA experimental aviation heaven but a very nice country indeed for aviators!

you ought to see the Glider club and events they have over there...FAI had the Glider races there a few months back and it was "according to all" the best ever!

This is my Chilean friend Sebastian Diaz video....he owns and flies an Robinson R44, Baron 58 and a Cessna 182 G1000. and it is member of the gliding club...

Check all of his other videos.
Amazing composure in the face of all those spectators and cameras!! I've made a couple of first flights and I know right now I wouldn't look as composed as you did on your first, first flight! Excellent!
Chile is a beautifull country and I have a great job here, good friend and my family.

I really like USA, every time I flew to LA, I bought lot of staff and tried to visit aircraft spruce and some new airport for me.

I think in the future we should invite someone from EAA to Chile and let him teach some thing to people from DGAC, we need to have some kind of Chielan DAR.

Thank you for all reply and I hope you enjoy the videos and pictures from first flight.
Amazing composure in the face of all those spectators and cameras!! I've made a couple of first flights and I know right now I wouldn't look as composed as you did on your first, first flight! Excellent!

The big day I was really calm, but the night before I hold my little boy (he is one year old) in my arms and I just hope that my fuel system works fine and that new engine didn't quit till I have at least 1000' AGL.

Chile is a beautifull country and I have a great job here, good friend and my family.

I really like USA, every time I flew to LA, I bought lot of staff and tried to visit aircraft spruce and some new airport for me.

I think in the future we should invite someone from EAA to Chile and let him teach some thing to people from DGAC, we need to have some kind of Chielan DAR.

Thank you for all reply and I hope you enjoy the videos and pictures from first flight.

I am ready and you are the nicest people !!!! (And this Coming from a Peruvian born!!!!)