
Well Known Member
Hi 9a experts.

I'm looking at a partially completed QB 9a kit from 2007.

What would be the caveats for purchasing this older generation kit.

Thanks for your insights.

Michael B.

A little info?
2007 I think (??) is the most recent kit., but I would call vans support to verify. I believe that is what mine is and am not sure of any changes since.
A good inventory, and some info and pics of build quality is important (show prep quality, rivet work, dimple work etc. If in Canada were any MDRA inspections done? If US any DAR reviews and notes? Any things closed up that MDRA wont like and will require drill out and reopening to inspect?

Nose gear was updated (but if no finish kit, not an issue).

What is all included. Wiring harnesses, lights or avionics arent worth much as tech changes so fast. Was kit stored well with no signs of corrosion. Tools included? How much off of new price? Why selling etc?

Happy to discuss more. Feel free to pm or email me direct. We have 3 9a on our field, lots of experience, happy to help with any questions.
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As far as I know, the only change to the RV-9 kit that has been made since 2007 is adding the stall warning to the wing.
As far as I know, the only change to the RV-9 kit that has been made since 2007 is adding the stall warning to the wing.

Oh? What's this? I got an RV-9A kit in early 2009, I don't recall any stall warning added at any time. You mean a change to the wing design to better indicate an imminent stall?
Oh? What's this? I got an RV-9A kit in early 2009, I don't recall any stall warning added at any time. You mean a change to the wing design to better indicate an imminent stall?

Nah, a microswitch in the leading edge of the left wing, actuated by a tab sticking out of a slot in the leading edge. The microswitch is connected to a little electric noisemaker board which ties into your audio panel, and then provides an audible pre-stall warning tone in your headset.
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If I understand the rules correctly (unlikely), if you end up building less than 51% you won't be able to get the repairman's certificate.

How far along is it? I might be interested in getting a wing or fuse kit if that part will put you over the edge or if you don't want to get all the kits.
Ah, thanks, is this something Vans is offering now? I'm gonna use Dynon's AOA pitot tube which should do the same thing.
If I understand the rules correctly (unlikely), if you end up building less than 51% you won't be able to get the repairman's certificate.

The 51% refers to how much of the project needs to be built by amateurs.

This is exclusive of paint, avionics, and interior as I recall.

You will need to prove that you know the construction well enough to qualify for the repairman's cert, not what percentage you personally did.

Best to wait for Mel, or Vic or one of the other DAR's to check in.
I kinda like the old-school buzzer, but my EFIS will have AOA, so right now I'm on the fence whether to install...
The 51% refers to how much of the project needs to be built by amateurs.

This is exclusive of paint, avionics, and interior as I recall.

You will need to prove that you know the construction well enough to qualify for the repairman's cert, not what percentage you personally did.

Best to wait for Mel, or Vic or one of the other DAR's to check in.

Will be looking for all these valuable comments. The Canada rules are a bit different but they are looking for qualified knowledge.
I will be using AOA so stall horn is not an issue although I do like the comfort of that buzz in my ear.

Thanks all for the input thus far. In fact these people are asking for book value with several value adds. I'm asking them to get closer to reality given it's current state also means a significant inspection, custom packing/shipping but no real concerns about corrosion given it's location.

where the heck are the regs????

............ The Canada rules are a bit different but they are looking for qualified knowledge................Cheers.

..where did you find this 'qualified knowledge' term?????

Mike, as far as I know, in Canada, you buy it, ( kit or complete aircraft) ......you fix it, you sign the yearly CCI ( Condition & Conformity Inspection)
....but darned if I can find the Transport Canada document that actually SAYS that.
Looked at COPA site and a few other RAA pages, but......for what it's worth, that's the way many of us have been operating.
Many Canucks have gone shopping for one of the nicely equipped, bargain RV-4/6's in the U.S. and brought them home.
sorry I don't have more specifics.
..where did you find this 'qualified knowledge' term?????

Mike, as far as I know, in Canada, you buy it, ( kit or complete aircraft) ......you fix it, you sign the yearly CCI ( Condition & Conformity Inspection)
....but darned if I can find the Transport Canada document that actually SAYS that.
Looked at COPA site and a few other RAA pages, but......for what it's worth, that's the way many of us have been operating.
Many Canucks have gone shopping for one of the nicely equipped, bargain RV-4/6's in the U.S. and brought them home.
sorry I don't have more specifics.

Hi Perry,

You'll have to pardon me. The term stuck in my head but in fact that's a US condition as well because I believe there is an interview there.

Thanks for the correction.

Michael B.