
Well Known Member
As soon as I decided to build my RV, I had the vision of it on a smooth green grass runway. We've got a dirt strip(8U9) 6nm away which a few folks fly over and get ice cream...I drive not wanting to chip up my plane. I couldn't take it anymore when Stephen and Melissa said they were going to Cavanaugh Bay (66S) in Northern Idaho, it was high on my list for destinations which look RV friendly, So I invited Kris and Myself along.

The plan was to get off work Friday finish loading up and head out for the 260nm flight. The weather had other ideas. The ceilings and visibility were adequate, the high winds(35 gusting to 40) coming from the west over the Continental Divide were not. Kris is a bluebird day flyer and this trip was to be enjoyable. We waited hoping things would settle down as the evening came. No joy, We cancelled. But left the plane loaded.

Next morning we had to wait for the kennel to open. Managed to get launched around 0840. Foreflight called for high winds again, but we had clear skies and could go high to keep out of the rough stuff. looks like it'll be 1.8hrs.

Route 8U8-KTHM-ID75-45ID-66S The jog at 45ID is to keep from dropping in over the top of the rocks.

Forecast was correct 35kts on the nose at 10500. here's looking north at the Mission Mtns. 45 minutes done and pretty smooth

As we neared KTHM, I dropped to 6500 to get out of the headwinds but we had constant choppy turb. We would have sucked it up, except we still had 30kts headwind. Back up in the smooth air here's looking out Kris's side near Noxon is Bull Lake and Ross Creek Cedars.

North shore of Lake Pend Oreille (pronounced Pond o ray)

Looking south over Lake Pend Oreille approaching Sandpoint
Scott S recorded my landing Saturday morning.

It's a smooth RV friendly manicured strip.

The line up of friends. 3 RV-7's and a Bonanza. also another camper in a C-185

Lunch pic

another lunch pic

Landing party judges

Stuffed from the nice lunch overlooking Priest Lake we had 2 choices...Nap or Lounge.

In our hurry to get there, I skipped going to Mountie Moose, best donuts in Montana. Apparently, this didn't sit well with the Washington folks. just kidding they had to get back to Arlington area.

Scott and Kimala lifting off

Stephen and Melissa heading home
Fully recovered from too much lunch we strolled around the airport. There is 3 courtesy cars, camping sites with picnic tables and chairs to borrow, stacks of firewood, a bunkhouse if needed, hot showers, flush toilets, refrigerator with ice, free coffee every morning. this place is perfect. you can come in real light and not suffer for anything. Excellent food place about 400yds from our tent.

oh my...look what we found during our stroll, a stray Huckleberry sundae

Looking down RY33, about midfield... we landed and took off on RY15.

Pulled her out to snap a pic in the setting sun. and reposition on some tiedowns. Yep, you don't even need tie downs unless it gets busy.

cellphone pic of Cub returning from an evening scoot around the area

Beautiful evening to share with friends.

To top off the night, we stayed up too late sitting around the fire with the 185 folks had going. Nice people from Spokane
This far north it gets light about 0410. Sunrise is 0445 or something like that. I tried to go back to sleep, but really only tossed and turned until I figured I would wake Kris up. Time to get up and seize the day.

cool sight crawling out of the tent. Looked like a frosty mug. :)

Misty fog as the sun heats the area.

I liked this pic of our camp.

Morning Dew

The morning dew was perfect for cleaning bugs off the wings and the windscreen. It was looking so good my Bonanza friend decided he better wipe his down too.

The spousal units thought soaking up the morning sun was the best plan for the day.

Some weather was moving in at the homedrome, so we packed up and left around 1100.
Chop below 7500, bases at 9500, tailwinds up high. So up we go, I think we were at 11500 here, SE bound over the Clark Fork River. Weaving between puffy stuff. Shortly, everything lifted with the rising terrain and we went to 13500.

Ground speed as 185 to 227kts average was probably 200kts.

Quick trip home, but arrived to some squirrely winds. Pure luck and a big rudder kept me on the runway in spite of my poor crosswind correction. worst landing ever.
Great Pics!!

Lake Pend Oreille (pronounced Pond-o-ray)

There, I learned something today - thanks Brian!

Man that looks like a nice place!
These machines are awesome! My wife and I packed up after work on Friday afternoon - didn't depart our homebase of Arlington KAWO until around 5pm. With some good tailwinds, we made good time to meet up with Steven Christopher (SCristo) and his wife Melissia at Cavanaugh Bay by 6:30. Brian and Kris flew in the following morning in time for brunch down at the dockside restaurant.


After spending an enjoyable day with good people, we bid Brian and Kris farewell and headed for home.


GPS showed groundspeeds eastbound of about 230mph. The following day, westbound groundspeeds were about 150mph. Even with the headwinds, the flight was smooth at 10,500' and we were home in less than two hours.
Cavanaugh Bay is nice. Unless strong winds dictate otherwise, it's standard to land 15 uphill and depart 33 downhill. For this and other good info, a good resource for ID backcountry strips is Galen Hanselman's FLY IDAHO. Pretty much a necessity, like Sparky Imeson's.

We just missed! Carol and I were camped at Cavanaugh Bay ! The night of June 11th, 2013
We flew to Johnson creek the next day.
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Made it back to 66S this weekend. Kris had to catch up on some work stuff, but I got a kitchen pass to go to the SARL race in Couer d 'Alene(KCOE). Going over was going to be rough with afternoon build-ups and 90+ temps. But finally left around 5pm.... 1.5hrs later I was at the Prerace BBQ at KCOE. 45 people I think and a mountain of succulent BBQ ribs

The local British car club came out to show off some amazing Austin Healys and MG's.

After visiting a bit, I followed Stephen & Melissa (Race 771) to Cav for a place to pitch my tent. Along the short route between KCOE and 66s

Cavanaugh Bay dead ahead. Beautiful evening

Token shot of the camping lineup.

The Camphost must have known I was coming, he got the big coffee maker out. Black morning nectar....I was up at 0500 and started draining it. :)
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Race day

Stephen pulled down 3rd place overall at 219mph.

All fun must end and after it looked like the afternoon clouds would lay down a bit, I launched for home.
under, over or around...Yes.

pretty if you're just weaving around them

evening bliss and 15kt tailwinds too.

Then I hit the smoke....welcome home. :( this is 50west of Helena as I started my descent
Plan to stop in there Tuesday on our way home from Seattle. There is food near the airport right? If I can't feed the family I will have to pick another spot.:)