Was it windy? I don’t see the wake turbulence encounter on the video. Looks like the air was a little bumpy, but where was the wake turbulence encounter? Whatever it was, it looks like you handled it perfectly! Nice job.
Stay high

If you worried about wake on finals, stay higher than the proceeding aircraft, as the wake will go down and out.
The turbulence goes down but if there is a crosswind it may not go out. The two rules for dealing with wake turbulence on landing that were always hammered in for me:

1. If the turbulence is from a landing in front of you: approach steeper than them and land long past their touchdown point.
2. If it is from a departure then land and be slowed down before their rotation point.
The above post is spot on. Also be very cautious with crosswinds under 5 knots as they can hold wingtip vortices on the runway. Typically they move outward at about 3 knots.