
Well Known Member
Apparently when ordering electrical wire from SkyGeek if you want the wire to not be cut into multiple random length sections for you then you must specify in the comments for it to be consecutive feet of uncut wire.

Otherwise they may send you multiple section of various lengths of their choosing to complete your total order. When asked for an uncut replacement wire the customer service response is sorry, you need to specify uncut in your next order for the wire you now need to replace because it was cut too short by them.

I may end up returning the wire in 1 inch sections just to prove a point, but I doubt it will do any good. Purchase from this vendor at your own risk apparently.

Yes, this is me venting.

I’ve found their service and pricing marginal. Maybe the certified guys are ok with this. Purchase at your own risk.
Problem solved

Call your credit card company and tell them to back charge Skygeek and they will. Then call Skygeek and tell them if they want the wire back they need to pay to ship it back. Also ask them they need to specify if they want the wire as is or it will be sent back in smaller pieces 😂

While not directly related to your wire delivery experience, I am currently having a nightmare with Skygeek.
Ordered parts at higher price than other shops because I needed them quick and they had them in stock.
Apparently their site wasn’t updated and they did not have the parts in stock. More than one and half month later part still aren’t shipped but every week I am receiving an email telling me that the parts will be shipped the following week, I offered multiple solutions, no answer.
$1000 spent and an aircraft grounded with apparently no solution but to order somewhere else.

Not saying that this applies to everyone but by looking at the reviews they have on other websites, my case doesn’t seem like an isolated case.

Be careful when ordering from them.
Not the first time Skygeek has exhibited dishonest practices. Their prices are higher and probably do a lot of purchase/resell versus actually stocking items/materials.

I purchased some firewall sealant (certified world) that was "in stock". After the order was placed, I was quoted a shipping date eight weeks out, similar to other sites/suppliers. When I tried to get a refund, they wanted a substantial restocking fee for something that obviously wasn't stocked. Wasn't much money so rather than fight it, I share that experience whenever I can. They've never made another dime off of me and never will. Check out their reviews.
I've had good luck with prowireusa. They send all the wire on spools, uncut. One time they did have an item that was only available cut in random lengths but they called me first to see if I was ok with it
I have found that dealing with a lot of suppliers that tend to be a little lower in price offers sub-par customer service. Learned in my teens that you can be “penny wise but dollar foolish”.
I have had good experiences buying from They do warn you when wire may come as cut lengths, and when it will be continuous. Their prices were much better than anything else I found when I was buying. YMMV.
Having worked in video, telephony and cable TV industries I too was used to seeing full rolls of cable. When I ordered a 1000ft roll of wire from another supplier and it came in three lengths carefully spooled as one but totaling 1000ft I was a bit annoyed! My customers (you guys) are expecting 50ft lengths, so a 37ft length wasn't much use and a sunk cost for me...

In my case it matters, but if you're buying in bulk for your own plane build I'm sure you'd find somewhere else to use that shorter length.

Now that I have been re-educated that this might happen, and with current supply chain issues increasing that possibility, I now specify that any joins be made at 50ft intervals.

Call your credit card company and tell them to back charge Skygeek and they will. Then call Skygeek and tell them if they want the wire back they need to pay to ship it back. Also ask them they need to specify if they want the wire as is or it will be sent back in smaller pieces ��

One of many reasons I love my American Express card. They're the 900# gorilla, if there's a problem with a merchant they take care of it.