
Well Known Member
Well... after chasing down two Fed-Ex trucks today to sign for a prop delivery we are ready for the early AM... Saturday morning prop swap. A fine gentleman named Craig Catto made sure I could test fly some of his new magic. There will not be much sleep tonight! :D

Fired UP... ;)
Well... after chasing down two Fed-Ex trucks today to sign for a prop delivery we are ready for the early AM... Saturday morning prop swap. A fine gentleman named Craig Catto made sure I could test fly some of his new magic. There will not be much sleep tonight! :D

Fired UP... ;)

Curious. Who is "we".
I can't wait to hear how it works. I too have one of his new props waiting to pull me through the air. They just look great!
That prop may not know how to act with that nosewheel:eek:

Ron- Simply put, this is a updated new design that Craig has been working on.

Bill- They more than just look great!

This prop looks awesome!!! A work of art. This will be a first for me, a two blade Catto... and my nosewheel will love it I'm sure too as it really is no factor. Still up rubbing on the prop. :eek:
See you in Taylor

Do you plan on letting it pull you through the 8 turn course Mike has developed.

Bob Axsom
Well... after chasing down two Fed-Ex trucks today to sign for a prop delivery we are ready for the early AM... Saturday morning prop swap. A fine gentleman named Craig Catto made sure I could test fly some of his new magic. There will not be much sleep tonight! :D

Fired UP... ;)

You need to fly that bad boy up here and we can put the finishing touch on her with a good dynamic balance :D
You need to fly that bad boy up here and we can put the finishing touch on her with a good dynamic balance :D

Well you know Walt, I have a special place reserved for you at the Rocket Race on Nov. 20th. So, come on down and balance a few props for all these race planes guys coming in and what the heck, we do have a field with quite a few airplanes. :)

I could even put mine up for the demo... :eek:
Perhaps we can work something out if we can say get 3 folks that would like to participate. On average it takes about 2 hrs to do one (some more some less) so we would need to have enough time available (the day before perhaps).

Normally I don't schedule more that 2 or 3 a day as that usually turns out to be a full days work. I "prefer" to do it at my hanger mainly because I have access to all my tools and extensive assortment of hardware, it's difficult to take everything on the road.

Prop balancing is a little science and a little art, therefore I prefer to allow extra time just in case its needed.

Shoot me an email if you are seriously interested in setting this up and lets see what we can come up with.
I got my new two blade Catto prop recently. I believe its his new design. But :(
it will be quite awhile before I am flying behind it.
Catto New Magic

Reiley you teasted us about your new Catto and inquisitive minds want to know how it went? More details on the "magic" and a photo or two would be wonderful. Hope it lived up to your expectations....:)
Reiley you teasted us about your new Catto and inquisitive minds want to know how it went? More details on the "magic" and a photo or two would be wonderful. Hope it lived up to your expectations....:)

Initial tests have been GREAT!! We will be working on test numbers for a few days, 3-4 more flights to verify our information.