
Well Known Member
Has anybody talked to catto props lately? I gave them a deposit 6 months ago and had my spinner sent there. I emailed last wed for an update but haven't heard back. No answer at their phone number, not even an answering machine.
No worries Phil...that's SOP for Craig. He's SWAMPED with prop orders, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it takes him a good week or more for him to get back to you. I just keep calling until he picks up when I have a question or want a status. EVERYONE says the prop is worth the frustrations along the way of getting one. I ordered back in June, and haven't heard anything from him on mine, but I don't expect to...;) :)
I ordered my Catto prop about a year ago. I have made several attempts at communication, and always end up getting an update on my status in the queue.

Craig doesn't always pick up the phone or answer your email right away, but if you keep trying, you will get through to him.
Do not worry Phil

He is probably treating wood specially for Canadians:) as he did for Russians:)
Worth the wait. Was 10 months for me since deposit.
Has anybody talked to catto props lately? I gave them a deposit 6 months ago and had my spinner sent there. I emailed last wed for an update but haven't heard back. No answer at their phone number, not even an answering machine.

I talked with him about a week ago....try calling late in the day or very early.
Let the phone ring...

Hi Phil,

I sent Craig an email last Monday. I then followed up with a phone call two days later. He answered the phone rather quickly (~4 rings). He had indeed received my email but probably got distracted on the reply. We discussed the changes and hung up. About a minute after hanging up, I called back and the phone rang ~8 rings before picking up.

I've discovered that a follow-up phone call after a couple of days is, in general, always a good thing. I'm not calling to complain, but just to see if they got the email, did they have any questions, etc. So far, it's always been a pleasure talking to vendors.

Take care,
Just curious, has anyone purchased a 2 blade from him recently? When I did a couple years ago, there was almost no lead time for the 2... apparently the 3 blades take a lot more effort.
I bought one from him a couple years ago (I've since gone back to the hartzell) I got a responce from him after I sent in the order, after that I simply emailed him once a month with my progress on the plane and if I was still up for the scheduled delivery date. I didn't get a responce back 'till I said I was ready for it. He doesn't run a first come first serve shop, it's "who needs it gets it."